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Showing 1151 to 1160 of 1479.

Submissive on Your Own Terms: Analyzing The One True Way

There are those who believe that there is only one way to be submissive. Mistress Steel challenges those thoughts with critical thinking, to open up the idea that submission is personal and varied.

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Exploring Submission Online: The Very Real Truths Behind the Keyboard

Exploring submission online is a growing reality. Chat networks, IRC chat rooms and websites developed for real-time fantasy all have areas where the D/s subculture thrives online. They have developed online protocols, rituals, belief systems and several new words the enhance the fantasy online.

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Do You Answer When Submission Calls You?

When you step foot into submission, don't make it a passive affair. Engage your senses into your new life. Take charge of how you want your submission to grow and develop. Enhance your life with the talents you have, and try hard to use all of the passion and pleasure you can muster to not only make your Dominant happy, but yourself. Find that fulfillment.

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Why BDSM is Not D/s

BDSM and D/s. Some see it as the same, I seem them as two very different things. Here, I plan on explaining the how's and why's of my position. I am not seeking to change anyone's opinion, as you have a right to your own opinion, as I hope you will remember that I do also.

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Why Safety is Preached to Novices and Why It's Important to Know Anyway

I believe that as you mature in your place in BDSM the often preached safety items can become obsolete or you may develop your own opinions that don't match what you were taught as a novice. There's nothing wrong with that, but knowing where you started and the importance of knowing these basic safety rules is that foundation.

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How You Can Respond When Your Family Disapproves of Your Chosen Lifestyle/Sexuality

My family found out that I'm into BDSM/submissive and they are freaking out, what do I do?

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Consent is Key: SSC and RACK

We will take SSC apart and make consensuality the core for all interactions for it is the most valuable part of a D/s exchange.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 4 - Endorphins

How are Endorphins related to play? Here's how Endorphins give you that happy pain blocking effect as well as euphoria.

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Safewords Are Not "Safe Words"

Playing comes with dangers and risks. Making sure you are going to be as safe as you wish to be is up to you. That's where safewords come in.

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The Thrill of Knife Play

Knife play runs the edge of what could be construed as safe because, well, knives. The most important thing to know about knife play is that while it is a powerfully sexy tool, it is best used in the hands of an experienced person with an experienced couple.

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