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BDSM Safety

Everything from consent and boundaries to aftercare and risk assessment ensures that your journey into submission is both fulfilling and secure.

How do I feel safe using safewords again after they were ignored previously?

Full Question: How do I feel safe using safewords again after they have been violated/ignored by a previous partner? Answer:  I’m so sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a previous play partner.  First and foremost, prioritize your healing from the previous violation. Take the time you need to process what happened and […]

How do I feel safe using safewords again after they were ignored previously? Read More »

Is it wrong to call a safe word in a punishment I wanted in the first place?

Question: Is it wrong to call a safe word in a punishment I wanted in the first place? Answer:  It depends on a lot of factors. First, are we talking about Punishment for a mistake or Funishment for playtime? These two terms get confused a lot, and they can have different interpretations. Once that’s clarified,

Is it wrong to call a safe word in a punishment I wanted in the first place? Read More »

What You Don’t Know About Using Safewords Could Harm You – Get The Facts

Safety comes in many forms and at any level of risk awareness. One of the very first things you learn when you encounter BDSM is the use of safewords. Even this site has numerous articles covering the basics of safewords. But now, I feel it’s time to gather everything together and really dig deep into

What You Don’t Know About Using Safewords Could Harm You – Get The Facts Read More »

What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship?

This is a guest post by Mistress Steel. It was part of her Steel’s Chamber Scrolls which is now defunct. Shared with Permission. Emotion ~ A physiological departure from maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment. This environment is sustained through a series of interacting physiological processes such as drives, motivations and other psychodynamic forces. Emotion

What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship? Read More »

That Don’t Impress Me Much: Why You Should Not Withhold Your Safeword

During Cyber Monday sales, I decided to treat myself to a couple of new books. I bought The Trainer and The Academy, both by Laura Antoniou, books three and four in The Marketplace series. I have been a huge fan of this series for several years now and just recently reintroduced myself to it. I own the first two

That Don’t Impress Me Much: Why You Should Not Withhold Your Safeword Read More »

A Lesson on The Importance of Online Safety from Kitty Thomas’ “Tender Mercies”

In my continuous effort to read the books that have been in the bottom of my Kindle, I came across Kitty Thomas’ Tender Mercies. It wasn’t until I finished it and was writing a review that I realized what a great lesson this piece of fiction can teach those in the lifestyle, especially those that are new.

A Lesson on The Importance of Online Safety from Kitty Thomas’ “Tender Mercies” Read More »

Safewords During Disciplinary Punishment: Yay or Nay?

This entry is part 3 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

Recently I was in a discussion about safewords, but it wasn’t the usual definitions and whether they are truly useful so I thought I’d work though my thoughts on it here and share it with you. The question that was presented was whether safewords should be allowed during punishment and if they weren’t was that considered abuse. A lot of good

Safewords During Disciplinary Punishment: Yay or Nay? Read More »

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