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What’s the difference between unicorn polyamory and a being in a throuple?

Full Question: Can you talk about the difference between a unicorn and being a partner in a throuple where 2 partners are married? Oh, and while I am at it, tips for successful throuples! Relationship Agreements, communication, etc Answer:  What a great question! Unicorn polyamory is the term for when two people who are in

What’s the difference between unicorn polyamory and a being in a throuple? Read More »

5 Tips for Coping with Your Jealousy in a D/s Dynamic

Jealousy is an odd bird. It nests in the unlikeliest of places. It sings at the most inopportune times—and it doesn’t let anyone sleep. Whether you’re in a D/s dynamic that’s open to new play partners, or you’re in a polyamorous relationship, jealousy can be a challenge. If it’s causing snags in your relationships (and

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It’s the Little Things: Building Small Unique Moments In Your Relationship Will Nurture Your Mono-Poly Relationships

Uniqueness is underrated. Everyone wants to be like everyone else, are comparing themselves to others in order to fit in, but it’s the fun little unique aspects of a relationship that make it special. Kindling those unique things is especially important for me in a mono-poly and likely most other relationships. Every relationship is unique

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Learning to Help a Partner Through a Poly Breakup

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Relationship Breakup

At the end of May, KnyghtMare’s long-term girlfriend broke up with him suddenly. He said he had no idea it was coming so it hit him really hard. I know that any time someone you love ends the relationship you go through a period of grief and loss and depression, but I’ve never experienced it.

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Taming the Green-Eyed Monster – Managing Jealousy in a Poly Family

This is a guest post by DeliciousVixen. As submissives, we sometimes face difficult circumstances with our Dominants. If you add being a submissive and being polyamorous into one dynamic, you just raised the bar. My Daddy has three other women that he has intimacies with. He must split his time evenly between all of us,

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Back Off Bitches! Feeling Territorial and Jealousy as a Slave

There are probably two very sensitive and deeply moving confessions that a slave could make – admitting to being territorial and/or jealous. These demons are a complete terror and have visited many relationships since the beginning of time. In order to move about freely and enjoy the fruits of a healthy M/s relationship, they need

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When Your Owner’s Home Grows: The Impact of Having Additional Live-in Dominants and submissives

To look at perhaps a more advanced topic that also does not get a lot of play when we are speaking about those of us in 24/7 service arrangements with children present; this month we are going to talk about Homes with multiple s-types and D-types. By far and away not a common arrangement, there

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