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mental health

What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship?

This is a guest post by Mistress Steel. It was part of her Steel’s Chamber Scrolls which is now defunct. Shared with Permission. Emotion ~ A physiological departure from maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment. This environment is sustained through a series of interacting physiological processes such as drives, motivations and other psychodynamic forces. Emotion […]

What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship? Read More »

Stress Overpowering the Dynamic – Submissive Mediation Monday

This entry is part 6 of 19 in the series Submissive Meditation Monday

I’m devoting this Monday to meditation, reflection and devotion to  submission. I hope to select  topics that will get you thinking differently about some part of your life or submission and then just maybe grow a little bit further. If you have ideas for  topics that might work for a Meditation Monday,  please email me. We all can handle

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M/s and When Life Happens: Dealing With Health Challenges and Death

When we imagine an ideal world, it’s pretty safe to say that for most of us, that perfect world wouldn’t include illness, disabilities, and death. Everyone would have bodies that are strong, capable, and able to do any and all activities the heart desires. On this side of creation, that type of world doesn’t exist,

M/s and When Life Happens: Dealing With Health Challenges and Death Read More »

A Mental Predicament: Balancing Wants and Needs

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Submissive Wants and Needs

Welcome new contributor andyiccee! My Master and I have been together for nearly three years, we have been through family crises, late studying nights, and more fights than I can count, but we always come out stronger on the other side. Integrating S&M into our sex life was a very simple transition, we communicated fantasies,

A Mental Predicament: Balancing Wants and Needs Read More »

Below the Mood of Blue: One Girl’s Experience With Depression

Disclaimer:  Though this post deals with depression and suicide, please note that blyss is not a mental health professional, this article isn’t written to diagnose or outline professional treatment for any mental illness. A short list of suggested reading and resources will be provided at the end of the post. If you are having thoughts

Below the Mood of Blue: One Girl’s Experience With Depression Read More »

Kink and Mental Health: The Ethics and Legality of Consent

I’ve been putting this subject off, and I’m still sort of waffling on moving on to something else, but that’s mostly because, I’m not a legal professional, either.  On this topic, in particular, I can only speak to my opinion, experience, and tenuous understanding of the law in New York State, and really don’t know

Kink and Mental Health: The Ethics and Legality of Consent Read More »

Kink and Mental Health: Can “sub drop” be a trigger?

On the subject of sub drop and mental health issues, Aletheia asked: I have suffered from clinical depression since early adolescence, if not childhood.  I’ve been on medication for ten years, and rarely feel depressed anymore.  My mentor suggested that I might want to avoid heavy or intense play, as she suspects that with my

Kink and Mental Health: Can “sub drop” be a trigger? Read More »

Managing Depression as a Submissive and How Your Dominant Can Help

Everyone has gone through bouts of depression at one time or another. For some, it’s practically debilitating and others can handle it in stride without much of a bat of the eyelashes. I recently recovered from a long time depression with the help of medications and my Dominant’s caring. It’s never an easy process, but

Managing Depression as a Submissive and How Your Dominant Can Help Read More »

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