The Control Book

The Control Book is about the fine art of taking control of your partner. It’s about the processes involved, about taking control, using control, about ensuring that you have control, and-importantly-about giving control back once you are done with it. The book discusses how this works-the psychology of it-and looks at what can go right, and at what can go wrong and how to fix it. 


The Control Book by Peter Masters is a book written for Dominants who are interested in learning more about control and how that works with a control-sensitive submissive. So, why am I reviewing it on a submissive’s website? We can all learn a thing or two about how our Dominants perceive and use control in our lives to make what it is that we do so powerful.

I started reading it with the presumption that I’d not learn a single thing that I could use in my service and that the book was primarily beyond what I needed to know for my submission. I was so wrong. It reads much like an academic text, so if you don’t do well reading that sort of book, that would be the only negative aspect of the book.

What I learned was there is more to control than just the power exchange as we see it. There’s a four step process where (1)the submissive offers control, (2)the Dominant takes control, (3)the submissive gives up control and then (4)the Dominant asserts that control. It’s a delicate balance of power that can go wrong in any of those steps.

I really enjoyed the chapters talking about how to maintain control over the long term, starting with the initial interviews, to management conversations and reviews and evaluations. I appreciate that it Peter Masters explains that control isn’t always active, but that you have to keep it going in the background.

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What a submissive can learn from this book is how a Dominant uses power and control to give them what they need. After all, many of us are control-sensitive submissives and derive pleasure and satisfaction from this type of relationship.

The best parts of this book are the questions after each section to help you continue your thought process and the entire chapter (chapter 5) of discussion topics that can be used for groups as well as personal development. Most of the questions are Dominant focused, but as I’ve said before, it’s worth reading as a submissive as well.

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