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The Big Book for Littles: Tips & Tricks for Age Players & Their Partners

A practical guide to age play just for Littles! Get ideas for age play activities, connecting with the Little community, and better communicating just who your Little self is. Start getting more out of Little Space by putting more into it!


A few months ago, I was contacted by Penny Barber, asking if I would like to review her second book, The Big Book for Littles: Tips & Tricks for Age Players & Their Partners and I told her I would be more than happy to. I love getting the chance to read books that focus on littles, ageplayers, and adult babies/diaper lovers. There are not that many books out there about the topic, so when I was approached, I totally jumped on the chance. Penny Barber has also written The Age Play and Diaper Fetish Handbook as well.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Penny Barber, she lives in San Francisco and has been a sex worker since 2003, as well as appearing in adult fetish films, creating her own content, teaching classes, and writing. She specializes in sissy training, age play, spanking, and fetishism. She’s an officer with the Little Scouts San Francisco and a BDSM community volunteer.

The Big Book for Littles is really great for those who are new and exploring the little or age play dynamic. A lot of those who are new, really aren’t sure what to do or to expect. It’s something I see on Fetlife all the time. Being new to the dynamic is extremely overwhelming and people just don’t know where to start and The Big Book for Littles is a great place to start! There is a lot of information on the Internet and on Fetlife as well, but we all know how overwhelming and just how much information there is out there and how hard it is to sort through it all. All that information tends to leave those who are new even more confused than when they started their search for information. This book covers a lot of important topics and asks a lot of great questions to help the reader realize exactly what they’re looking for in a relationship in these types of lifestyles. While this book is geared towards more those who are littles, adult babies, and diaper lovers, this would also be a great book for those who are interested in the Caregiver position in these types of relationships. This gives those who are interested in being Caregivers an idea of what their counterparts experience and this book also has a few ideas for the Caregivers as well.

Penny covers so much in this book. She talks about what age play is, defining your little self, getting involved in the community with tips for online, in person, getting involved in groups and local activities, talking to your partner about being a little/age player/adult baby/diaper lover, as well as negotiations, contracts for play, consent, limits, and safewords, dark age play, and subcultures within the little dynamic. Also at the end of the book, there’s a list of sources that she cited throughout the book, which I think is great because it gives the reader an easy way to find out more. The sources are organized by what sections they appear in the book which makes them easy for readers to find and look up for themselves. I love, love LOVE that she included the resources section because it gives readers some really great jumping off points to find other resources out there.

Click here for more!

I have to say, if you’re a caregiver, a little, an age player, an adult baby, or a diaper lover, or any combination of the five, I highly do recommend picking up a copy of Penny Barber’s book The Big Book for Littles on Amazon today.

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