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Slave-ography: Serving Jack Rinella

The Story of O, Mr. Benson, and The Beauty Trilogy are all best-selling novels that describe the highly erotic and alternative sexuality called “slavery.” As enticing as the lives of the sexually dominant and submissive characters in these books are, they remain fictional. A brave few have tried to make the master/slave lifestyle a reality. Slave-ography is the amazing and true story of slave Patrick as he became Jack Rinella’s slave, that is, a man who enters the sex-filled life of voluntary servitude. It’s not all sex in these pages. Here you will discover the what, why, and how of a twenty-first century version of a life lived in service, devotion, and obedience. Can “slavery” be real? Patrick would be the first to say “Yes” and this book is the proof of his affirmation.


Awhile ago, I had a couple of male s-types contact me and I replied to one of their comments saying something along the lines how I wish there was a book for the male s-types like there are for female submissives. There are tons of books and blogs, and whatever else out there geared towards female s-types, but not so much for the guys. I had completely forgotten I had added Slave-ography: Serving Jack Rinella to my reading list until I found myself scrolling through my Amazon wishlist for books. When I saw it, I picked it up(thank you Kindle Unlimited!)and spent the weekend reading it and thoroughly enjoyed reading it as well. While this book isn’t like The Warrior Princess Submissive or any other how-to book about the BDSM lifestyle, it’s still well worth reading, especially if you’re a male s-type.

Slave-ography is the journal of Slave Patrick, who is Jack Rinella’s slave. This journal was kept by Patrick during his first year of contractual slavery to Rinella and it covers everything from how they met, Patrick’s past relationships, how he fit in with the large leather family dynamic that Rinella was involved in at that time and the relationships he had with the other family members, Patrick’s feelings on certain topics and comments, as well as some articles written by Jack Rinella during this time.

Even though Patrick is a gay slave, his sexual orientation has nothing to do with his mindset as a slave and it was so interesting to read his journal from beginning to end and to see how much Patrick had grown as a slave and how his mindset about things had changed. Reading this book is very much like seeing a flower over time starting to bloom and show its full potential. I also loved reading about how Slave Patrick, who is not at all a masochist, learned how to deal with receiving pain from his sadist master. I did a lot of highlighting while I was reading because there are so many great thought provoking quotes that caught my attention.

I consider this book one that any s-type should pick up. There is a lot of knowledge to be gained from reading this book and if you are a male s-type, I can’t suggest enough to read this book. It’s great to see a male’s perspective on what it means to be a slave.

Click here for more!

You can get a copy of Slave-ography: Serving Jack Rinella on Amazon in ebook and paperback.

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