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Darling Discovered: A True Story of Submission

After her seemingly perfect world came crashing down Chloe Donnovan was faced with a crisis of identity. In a bold attempt to start life over in a more authentic way, she confessed her darkest secret, a desire to submit to her husband Leo. The two set off on a year of information, exploration, and sexual experimentation that will either breathe new life into the relationship or lead to their final demise. Darling Discovered: A True Story of Submission explores issues of trust, self-acceptance, and healing, set amongst the sandy beaches of Florida in an emotional and pleasurable read. Winner of 2015 BDSM Writer’s Con in Non-Fiction Category.


Many of you have been asking me for more stories of real submissives and slaves, from how they found their Dominant to how their life is right now. Well, you are in for a treat! Our very own Mrs. Darling has written her story of discovery, Darling Discovered, and it’s available now on! Mrs. Darling sent me a review copy to check out and share my thoughts with you as a review on the site and I’m pleased to say that I enjoyed the book and really loved the real life story of submission coming to life and all the struggles that can come with it.

Related: If you want to share a Day in your Life, you can submit those to the site!


Heavily pregnant Chloe discovers that her husband, Leo is having an emotional affair with someone at work. Devastated she confronts him. After all the tears, she sets one year as the point when she’ll make a decision if he’s atoned and proven himself to be trustworthy again. In this year, she faces an identify crisis that’s been hiding for a long time; the world of Dominance and submission. Insomuch as he’s starting over, so is she; confessing her darkest secret to him and then the two embark on  a year of exploration, trust-building and sexual experimentation that will either lead to a new life as Dominant and submissive or to the relationship’s end.

My Thoughts

The book reads like one of those BDSM fiction novels that you don’t want to put down. I had to keep reminding myself that I was reading a true story and that the people in it had actually lived these feelings, these emotions, that situation. Mrs. Darling’s writing style is easy to read and very engaging. It’s so refreshing to have a BDSM novel that is as much detail in it and doesn’t focus purely on the sex and play exploration but more on the developing relationship. The flashback moments of how the two met are sweet and lovely to show the depth of their relationship before the start of the timeline in the book.

I found myself rooting for Chloe and then Leo and back again.  Even though the book is written in Chloe’s perspective, I could get glimpses into Leo’s mindset and that gave me a fuller sense of the whole story that many other stories tend to leave out. You could feel the pain and struggle in their life and unlike fiction, it’s not resolved by chapter’s end. This is a real, honest account of how a couple discovered D/s and adapted it to work with their relationship. It’s beautiful, it’s challenging and in the end it just might be enough to keep them together.

Mrs. Darling’s book won the 2015 BDSM Writer’s Con Book Contest.  I’m sure that it will break further records now that it’s available for everyone to read! It just came out yesterday so you can be one of the first to buy her amazing true story and get a glimpse into the life of a submissive that you’ve grown to love through her articles here.

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