single submissives

What are some ways to satisfy your need to submit if you aren’t with a Dominant?

Full Question: What are some ways to satisfy your need to submit if you aren’t with a Dominant? Answer:  I do believe that you can feel submissive without a Dominant, but it’s not easy. There are things you can do to help focus submissive energy in almost everything you do. First, there is no direct […]

What are some ways to satisfy your need to submit if you aren’t with a Dominant? Read More »

30 Days of Submission: Day 22 – Submission without Domination, is it possible?

This entry is part 23 of 31 in the series 30 Days of Submission

Read the entire series – go back to the Introduction of the 30 Days of Submission! Can you feel submissive without a dominant partner? If so, how does your submission express itself? If not, how do you handle your submission or submissive feelings? I do believe that you can feel submissive without a Dominant but

30 Days of Submission: Day 22 – Submission without Domination, is it possible? Read More »

Single in the Scene Part V: The Truth about Singlehood

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

This is kinda pithy, so please hang in there! In this series thus far, I’ve done my absolute best to keep it positive. Maybe in some ways, I’ve managed to gloss over the ‘truth of singlehood’ of a slave, which in a way slightly misses the mark of my desire which is to help those

Single in the Scene Part V: The Truth about Singlehood Read More »

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