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respectful address

Lessons in Submissive Speech 2: Personal Introductions

This entry is part 3 of 13 in the series Lessons in Submissive Speech

Generally speaking, the first time you encounter someone in a BDSM context you will likely have to introduce yourself. We’ve all heard that you only get one chance to make a first impression to make sure it’s a good one. I’m going to break this up into two separate sections. One for single submissives and

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Lessons in Submissive Speech 1: Addressing Individuals

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series Lessons in Submissive Speech

In a BDSM context, it’s more common to have to learn how to address someone than in a non-scene situation. How many times have you had conversations with service personnel or with people you encounter in your day to day without first asking them their name or how they wish to be addressed? It’s a

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