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kink community

Want to be involved in the kink community, but it could jeopardize my career, help?

Full Question: I want to be involved in the kink community near me, but I fear for my teaching profession. Any advice? Answer:  That’s a very valid concern, and being cautious is the name of the game. If you attend local events within your school district or even the city, there is always a possibility […]

Want to be involved in the kink community, but it could jeopardize my career, help? Read More »

Manners, Etiquette and Appropriateness When Interacting with People in the BDSM Scene

This entry is part 14 of 35 in the series Rituals, Rules and Protocol

One thing I learned while putting together the Guide to Your First Munch was that when someone goes to a meeting for kinky people, with the idea that they are entering a whole new world, they think that all the courtesies and manners they learned before are somehow no longer extinct. People often ask me how they

Manners, Etiquette and Appropriateness When Interacting with People in the BDSM Scene Read More »

Find a Munch at!

Are you looking for kink friends and fun close to you? Have you heard about munches, but don’t know what they are, much less where to look? Are you traveling or relocating and not sure about the community at your destination? Or, are you already involved, and you want your local organization to grow?

Find a Munch at! Read More »

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