How to Write a BDSM Scene Report

The words “scene report” always have me first thinking of a crime scene and second of a BDSM scene report. Scene reports can often be requested by some Dominants especially in the early stages of a play relationship. I’m going to cover what they are, how to write one and how they help you and the Dominant get more out of your playtime.

A scene report is a written account of the play time with a focus on how you felt, what the experience was like and what didn’t work for you. It is not a point by point retelling of the scene like many people think it is. I have nothing against reliving the playtime and having a written account.

The point of a scene report requested is to help you analyze your responses and emotions surrounding the play.  So let’s figure out how to write a useful scene report.

Amnesia is a Problem

Yes, I need to talk about this first, because I too have issues remembering everything that happened during play and then recalling it. It is a very normal response and you shouldn’t stress over it while writing your report.

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To help combat the memory loss, you should wait at least one day after play to try and recall what happened. The endorphins and adrenaline, especially the adrenaline, has a property that causes slower to impossible memory recall. What you may want to do is focus on how you are feeling and the emotions surrounding the play time and not the actual play by play.

Write Out Your Feelings

Your first goal should be to dump out all of the emotions and feelings you currently have about the scene. It doesn’t have to be pretty or organized. Just make a list or a mess of words; whatever works for you. Don’t work to have it make sense just yet.

Now that you have a bunch of words for emotions and feelings your next step should be to try to figure out at what part of the scene they started. This is, of course, one of the harder parts. Were you afraid when your Dom shouted at you to put your hands down but then really excited, or was it the other way around?

It is okay, as I said before, to not remember exactly what happened or in what order. Make each emotion or feeling independent of the event.

Gather Your Focus

Now that you have some sentences or paragraphs about how you felt, it’s time to interpret them. Figure out why you may have felt a certain way or what you thought about how your Dominant did X, Y or Z. This can be as long or as complex as you feel is needed for the scene. Some will be short while others – if you experienced something huge, will be longer.

Put It Together

Once you have everything on paper, it’s time to organize it so that you can give it to your Dominant if that is expected. Again, don’t worry about being out of order – just make the report flow and your Dominant will appreciate what you’ve said, not that you got the order mixed up.

Readers, do you write scene reports? What do yours look like? Care to share one with us? Let me know in the comments!

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