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How do you take care of yourself during sub drop when your Dom isn’t available?

Full Question: How do you take care of yourself during sub drop when your dominant is either too busy with other things to be able to help you or experiencing dom drop themselves?


I can empathize! Managing sub drop on your own can be done and I recommend all submissives have a sub drop self-care plan so that if they need to, they can take care of themselves.

First, sub drop is the mental, emotional and physical drop associated with the high you get from experiencing sub space and higher intensity periods of play or intimacy. During those moments, your body releases floods of endorphines, dopamine, oxytocin and adrenaline into your bloodstream. They are what give you that good feeling. But when that stops happening, your body can go through a withdrawl phase.  You’ve also potentially caused some trauma to your body that now needs to heal.

Listen to your body. Do you need some first aid? Care for any scratches, bruises or other marks.  If you feel you should rest, then rest. Stay hydrated and eat regular meals. Take care of yourself as if you were ill or injured and be kind to yourself.

Click here for more!

For your emotional or mental state, you may need a bit more nuanced care. Everyone needs different things. You may need to chat with your friends and be around people, while others need to be curled up in a dark room scrolling Instagram. 

If you can’t connect with your play partner or Dominant, create a drop kit. This kit will put all the things necessary at your fingertips. This is by no means an exhaustive list, please feel free to add your own personal selections.

  • Warm blanket
  • First Aid Kit
  • First Aid Manual
  • Bath salts
  • Bubble bath
  • Scented candles
  • Incense
  • Favorite books and movies
  • Hard candy
  • Favorite beverages
  • Lotion
  • Journal
  • Relaxing music
  • Letter from your partner or their text messages to you
  • Worn clothing from your partner if scent soothes you
  • Stuffed animals
  • Coloring books/crayons
  • Gift card to favorite restaurant or food delivery service
  • Vitamin E

Don’t abandon your partner if they are also experiencing drop. Check in with each other. See if you can be each other’s support during a rough after-session experience.

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