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Domestic or Dreadful: Your Journey to Domestic Satisfaction

Being a domestic submissive, one of my main purposes is to keep the house neat at all times. This task is not always so easy, especially when you hate doing them. I’ve never been much of a cleaner; Cleaning has always been on the bottom of my to-do list. Once a week I would spend the entire day cleaning our home and the other six days the mess would just pile up. I learned quickly that to keep from spending the whole day cleaning I should probably do a little every day. Over time I got faster at my duties and picked up a few tips to help keep me sane but allow me to spend an hour or so a day doing a full cleaning of our home. Now our home has the look and feels of my all day cleaning sprees without exhausting my time and energy.


Organization is the most powerful tool in your cleaning arsenal.  Organization does not have to be a constant nagging task. Plastic bins make organization a breeze.

I find that most of my clutter ends up in the kitchen. We have a drawer designated solely for small things such as ink pens, notebooks, tacks, and paperclips.  Small bins work for gathering these small items and keeping them separated for easy use. Use bins with lids for paperclips, tacks,  batteries and any other small belongings that can be easily lost. It’s very important that you make it a priority to place the items back into their designated spots after use. This will eliminate cluttered drawers and reduce time spent looking for items.

Store old clothes, books, and toys in large plastic bins. Label the bins according to their contents and place them out of the way. Longer, shallow bins are great for items that you rarely use but need to keep available. These bins can be slipped under a bed for easy out-of- the-way storage.

Bins are also very useful to store makeup, jewelry, hair accessories, perfumes, lotions, and shoes.

General Cleaning

Keep all cleaning supplies together. A good multi-purpose cleaner can be very useful and a wonderful time saver.  Keep your catty stocked with a multipurpose cleaner, or a bathroom cleaner, glass cleaner and furniture polish. Also include cloth rags, paper towels, sponges and an old toothbrush. I also keep mine stocked with a carpet deodorizer (baking soda) and a fabric freshener.


Do all dirty dishes first as this usually is the brunt of the mess. Wipe down counters and sink as well as faucets and handles. These tend to carry a lot of germs. Also, wipe down cabinets as needed. Put a bowl of water into the microwave and microwave on high heat for 20 – 30 seconds. This will loosen all stuck food particles. Wipe down with a warm, soapy cloth.

Once a week it is a good idea to use a good stainless steel polish for any stainless steel appliances. It is also a good idea to use a cleaner specifically designed for ceramic flat top stoves on your stove once a week if you have one. I find the paste works the best at keeping it looking new. As your are cooking keep your cupboards in order by straightening them while you are watching your food cook. This will allow you to stir and flip food as needed, but makes a better use of your time than idly standing there.

Living Room

In the living room, straighten up pillows and fold and put away all blankets. I keep a toy box in our living room for all of our son’s toys as they usually end up there. This saves time walking back and forth between his room and our living room to put them away. Dust any wooden surface with furniture polish at least once a week, or if you use a feather duster daily you can probably get by with every two weeks or longer. It’s important to dust from top to bottom as dust falls down into the floor.Put away all odd belongings in the appropriate places. Wipe TV with glass cleaner or LCD cleaner, whichever is appropriate for your appliance. Spot clean windows and mirrors with glass cleaner.


Make beds and put away any odds and ends. Dust furniture and spot clean mirrors. Gather any dirty laundry into the hamper. I try to change my bed sheets at least once a week, or more if needed.


Spray your bathtub and toilet seat with cleaner as well as the inside of the toilet bowl and let it set. Wipe down the sink with a good disinfecting cleaner. Make sure to clean the faucets and handles. Use an old tooth brush to get any crevice that you cannot get to with a rag. Next clean your tub. It’s a good idea to get your walls as well as the inside of your tub as you clean. Also, clean under any soaps and shampoos in your tub as these can cause bacteria to accumulate if they are left on a surface you do not clean often. Clean your toilet thoroughly.  If you choose to use a toothbrush to get crevices make sure it’s clearly marked so you don’t spread germs to other surfaces by using the same tooth brush.  Spot clean your mirrors and windows.

Mopping and Vacuuming

Sprinkle the carpet with a carpet deodorizer. I use baking soda as it’s a natural deodorant and is non-toxic. Let it set. Sweep any wood or tiled flooring. Be sure to get corners and behind any furniture that you can. I try to mop my bathroom daily and my other floors twice a week. I use a steam mop as I have little ones. Automatic mops are also very easy and effective.

After you have mopped, vacuum your carpets. This should have ensured enough time for your carpet deodorizers to work properly. This is a quick and effective way to keep your house neat and tidy. Remember to put things away as you get them out to reduce the time spent cleaning. This is a quick way to earn Masters appreciation and complete your duties in a manner that will allow you time to focus on other tasks.

Easy Home Made Cleaners

These are homemade cleaner recipes I have gathered over time. They work very well for me.

All Purpose Cleaner

1/2 cup vinegar 1/4 cup of baking soda 2 liters of water Mix vinegar, baking soda and water. Store in a labeled spray bottle.

Stain Remover

Removes most minor stains from carpets.

Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water. Spray directly onto the stain and let sit. Clean using warm soapy water and a brush or rag.

Fabric Freshener

2 Parts warm water 1 part baking soda 1 part fabric softener (or any perfume or essential oil you prefer.) Mix all ingredients into a labeled spray bottle. This works best if you make it fresh daily and the water gets cold when stored and the baking soda tends to show up on surfaces.

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