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Discipline and Punishment

About Punishment

This entry is part 1 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

This is a guest post by  Mistress Steel. It was part of her Steel’s Chamber Scrolls which is now defunct. Shared with Permission. Punishment is one of those areas which is not what it seems. Before you can develop tools or methods of punishment you have to look at the concepts behind the issue itself. To

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Discipline or Punishment – Which is it?

This entry is part 2 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

This is a guest post by Mistress Steel. It was part of her Steel’s Chamber Scrolls which is now defunct. Shared with Permission. Discipline – To teach or train, to make a convert of, more directly to make a disciple of. It is an action made in the interest of order, rule, or control. A disciple is

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Safewords During Disciplinary Punishment: Yay or Nay?

This entry is part 3 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

Recently I was in a discussion about safewords, but it wasn’t the usual definitions and whether they are truly useful so I thought I’d work though my thoughts on it here and share it with you. The question that was presented was whether safewords should be allowed during punishment and if they weren’t was that considered abuse. A lot of good

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Ideas for Discreet Punishment

This entry is part 4 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

Hi! My boyfriend and I both want a BDSM relationship, but we both still have roommates. He’s hesitant to continue the discussion on rules he would like for me to follow due to the fact that punishment for these rules would be hard due to lack of privacy. Any suggestions about discreet punishments? Having a

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Are Discipline and Punishment The Same?

This entry is part 9 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

Reading across the blogosphere you will encounter these words almost synonymous to each other: Discipline and Punishment. The words are far from the same however some dynamics treat them the same. In fact, for the longest time, I have used the word punishment when I mean discipline. It’s even possible that Master has used these

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A Lesson in Control with Self-Punishment

This entry is part 12 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

Each and every day there is the chance to screw up and be disobedient. Luckily, most of us won’t break rules every single day but when we do we know that punishment will come swiftly and precisely. That is unless you are an online submissive. Then there are a few other steps to having punishment

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Carte Blanche – Repeating Misbehavior Patterns

This entry is part 13 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

Getting in trouble. We’ve all been there a time or two. It comes with learning and training new things as well as changing behaviors. Our Dominants generally don’t derive any pleasure out of punishing us and the guilt we put on ourselves can be more damaging than the misdeed in the first place. Allowing that the punishment

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Coming Clean: Admitting Your Disobedience

This entry is part 14 of 17 in the series Discipline and Punishment

We all have those little voices in our head that tell us what to do. Sometimes it tries to convince us that our disobedience is okay.  The voices are very convincing at times and then we have guilt riding with us until we come clean. Perhaps you’ve heard these voices yourself: “Come on, he won’t see me

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