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BDSM Relationships: Strings or no-Strings

So what sort of BDSM partner is it you’re looking for? It seems like such a simple question, after all when we think about BDSM we immediately picture a casual encounter where anything goes. However, that is simply not the case, much like any situation involving two consenting people the options available to you are vast, each offering their own perks.

Believe it or not but as is the case with partners of a standard relationship, those in a BDSM one can also be broken into two types – short-term and long-term. Which is the better of the two is up for debate since much like most things in life, each has their pros and cons.

Firstly and perhaps most obviously having a series of casual partners brings with it plenty of diversity. Whether you’ve had a casual partner for a day or two or even a few weeks, the beauty of sex with no strings is at any moment you can see what else is out there. Furthermore, an increase in partners can lead to an increase in discovery. Sticking with someone long-term is all well and good, but having a series of shorter relationships gives you more chance of meeting someone who could teach you something new. After all we are all different and like different things. Especially with something like BDSM, there are so many options and ideas out there you’re bound to come across someone who knows a thing or two you might not have even considered.

Of course, when you’re seeing multiple short-term BDSM partners, it brings with it an element of excitement and sometimes even risk. Meeting new people is always an exciting time and with short-term partners, this feeling will be much more frequent. Also if you’re both in it for a casual experience, you could possibly be dealing with someone who has a partner already or is perhaps even married. This offers an element of risk that leads to the excitement of being caught.

On the other side of the coin, long-term BDSM partners have their benefits too. It may seem obvious but being with the same person over an extended period of time, helps develop a grander sense of trust between the two. As you begin to trust someone more you start to feel you can open up and truly explore your sexual desires. While a short-term commitment offers a riskier experience, something longer is more suited to those a little shy or perhaps closed off when it comes to discussing their BDSM fantasies.

It should come as no surprise, but long-term BDSM partners bring with them a much deeper and more focused kink. This isn’t some stranger you’re dealing with but rather someone you know on a more personal level. Therefore you understand their likes and dislikes. Whereas with short-term deals where you’re constantly having to learn what a new person likes and dislikes every time, here you can refine your art together.

Where you’re looking for short-term or long-term BDSM partners, both have their appeal and really it comes down to what you want from the relationship. Most importantly, however – they’re both fun!

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