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Submissive Advent – Day 21: Volunteerism is Next to Submission

This entry is part 22 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 21 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” -Mahatma Gandhi

If you are lost as far as your submission goes this time of year you are not alone. The hustle and bustle of the season can leave you drained and not thinking about your role or your position with your partner. From personal experience, the holidays are a time I am more likely to be in trouble than any other time of year.

But there is a way to connect to your submission even if it is subtle in it’s presence and that is through volunteering. Make an arrangement today to volunteer at a homeless shelter, nursing home or halfway house for a few hours and give of yourself to those less fortunate than you. People in these places will be eternally grateful for your kind heart and cheerful hand at whatever you can do. Serve at the buffet, sing carols at the nursing home, or help wrap presents or make presents.

If you enjoy it, you should make it a regular appointment!

Click here for more!


Where did you go volunteer? How was the experience?

Series Navigation<< Submissive Advent – Day 20: Christmas CookiesSubmissive Advent – Day 22: Here We Come a Caroling >>

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