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Submissive Advent Calendar

This entry is part 1 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

The Advent is the time in anticipation for Christmas and is celebrated in some religious circles, but also carries a secular following. Advent translated means “the coming.” I’m sure everyone has seen the cardboard calendars with little doors and chocolate inside; to be opened one a day until Christmas Day. Well, I’ve had this idea of a Submissive Advent Calendar since starting Submissive Guide but never sat down to work out what it would be like or how I could apply my site focus to make it something worth doing.

I think I’ve finally figure it out. Starting Saturday December 1st, Submissive Guide will post one Advent Activity every day until Christmas. The activities will vary but will have quotes, questions, short tasks and crafts to help you focus more on your submissive self this holiday season. You do not have to be in a relationship to perform most of these activities and I hope that they will provide you a sense of peace and joy this holiday season as we celebrate Winter ending, the Festival of Lights, the coming of the Messiah or maybe a glance at the Festivus Pole. Whatever your beliefs, take a moment out of each day to join me in honoring our submission.

Should You Participate?

  • Is it a good thing for us submissives to set aside a special time in the year to focus more on submission and grow in our relationship with our Dominant?
  • Is it good for us to get in touch with just how much we need to submit?
  • Is it helpful for us to learn to serve our Dominant more faithfully?
  • Is it helpful to remember our place in the D/s relationship is to provide beauty, grace and service?
  • Would it be a valuable thing in your life to be prepared to submit in any way that your Dominant calls upon you to do?
  • Would you like to experience more of what submission means to you during the often hectic weeks prior to Christmas?
  • Would your submission be enriched if you were to read, study, and meditate on texts that speak to you and your growth as a submissive?

If you answered in the affirmative to any of these questions you will likely benefit from participating in some or all of the activities coming up. They won’t take too much out of your day – I promise. I look forward to learning and growing and rejoicing in our submission this Holiday Season.

See you on the 1st!

Series NavigationSubmissive Advent – Day 1: In Wait >>
Click here for more!

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