- 31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 1: Introduction
- 31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 2: What Would You Like to Learn?
- 31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 30 – What Have You Learned?
- 31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 3: What is a Submissive Journal?
- 31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 4: What Can a Journal Do for My Submissive Development?
We are nearly to the end of the Submissive Journaling series here on Submissive Guide. This month has been chock full of tips, tricks, and how-tos for journaling and I hope you have picked up some good ideas for your own journaling needs.
So, this is where I ask you what you thought of the series, what you picked up and if you’d like to see further articles about any specific part of the month’s topics. Please don’t be shy, leave a comment below. Even if you thought this month-long series sucked, I wanna know.
Tomorrow will be a list of resources and a summary of what the series was about in case you missed some of it, but today is really your day to talk to me. Please comment related to the last 30 days series on Submissive Journaling:
- What did you like?
- What didn’t you like?
- Did you have an ah-ha moment?
- What needed more information?
- What did I miss completely?
- Anything else?