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30 Days of Submission: Day 11 – Service Submission

This entry is part 12 of 31 in the series 30 Days of Submission

Read the entire series – go back to the Introduction of the 30 Days of Submission!

Do you include service as a part of your expectations of your submission? How do you define service? What does it mean to you? If not, what is it about the concept of service that is not for you?

I define service to be actions performed without the need for confirmation, affirmation or gratitude. It is the deepest giving of yourself that provides joy to the submissive. I don’t see myself as a service submissive, but a lot of what I do for KnyghtMare is service-related.

I thrive on praise so being a service submissive, if we use my definition, wouldn’t work well for me. I would constantly feel like I am being used and taken advantage of. It’s just not how I function. But if I’m given a task, I complete said task and then am thanked for doing it I glow from head to toe.

I have a deep appreciation for those people who can serve in a manner where they are full of joy in the service.

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Series Navigation<< 30 Days of Submission: Day 10 – BDSM and Kink in the Submissive Relationship30 Days of Submission: Day 12 – Financial Submission >>

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