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Why BDSM is Not D/s

This entry is part 11 of 19 in the series New to BDSM? Start Here

This post is by Skylerpet. She’s written several other posts here for Submissive Guide. You can read more of her work on online submission and pet play here.

BDSM and D/s. Some see it as the same, I see them as two very different things. Here, I plan on explaining the how’s and why’s of my position. I am not seeking to change anyone’s opinion, as you have a right to your own opinion, as I hope you will remember that I do also.

In my opinion BDSM and D/s, while they often go together, are two entirely separate things with a few similarities. This is my opinion for many reasons. When I recently voiced this opinion someone responded with the question: “Do you not see the D/s in BDSM as standing for Dominance and submission?” and in fact, for the most part, I do not. I see BDSM as generally standing for Bondage, Discipline, and SadoMasochism. Yes, the D/s in BDSM can and sometimes does stand for Dominance and submission for those who incorporate all of those things in their relationship. However, I do not think it does all the time, as there are many who are involved only in BDSM or D/s.

The primary reason I see this is that I see BDSM being the physical aspects. Bondage, whipping, suspension, and things of that nature. D/s, however, is the emotional side. The act of emotionally and/or psychologically submitting or Dominating someone. I do not see BDSM and D/s automatically going together.

Submission is emotional and psychological. While many submissives do also enjoy the physical aspects, I do not believe that the physical act of bondage and discipline is required for submission. I see this in my relationship right now. My relationship is long distance. I am incredibly submissive to my Master, however, I have received no whippings or canings from Him, however, W/we both do enjoy it, and as such it will be a part of our relationship when W/we are together.

  • BDSM is not only hardcore bondage, whippings, canings and scenes. BDSM also includes kinky couples who like some spankings and light bondage in bed. With the exceptions of those things, many of those couples are not D/s. They have no Dominance and submission in their relationship, thus the BDSM and D/s are separate.
  • There are also those who are pure masochists or sadists. They enjoy the purely physical act of tying up or being tied and getting beat or doing the beatings. For them, it is the physical act that draws them.
  • Also, there are those who are in Dominance and submission relationships that are solely based upon service and consensual slavery. There are many D/s couples out there who have no BDSM in their relationship at all. Just as not all submissives are masochists, not all Dominants are sadists.

If one were to look on informational websites, in glossaries and encyclopedias and such, the definitions and descriptions are given of BDSM and D/s also show this difference. Wikipedia specifically states that “Physical contact is not a necessity and it can even be conducted anonymously over the telephone, email or instant messaging system. In other cases, it can be intensely physical…” As Wikipedia states, BDSM and D/s can be both separate and conjoined. Also, the glossary at Domsub Info defines the two as separate items with can be separate or conjoined.

Said quite plainly, in my opinion, just because someone goes to a dungeon to get whipped does not automatically make them a consensual slave or submissive. It simply means that they enjoy being whipped. Similarly, just because someone enjoys delivering the whipping does not automatically make them a Dominant. As such, BDSM and D/s are separate things and do not have to go together. They can be enjoyed together or separately. None of the combinations are better or more “real” than another.

A few last words:

  • Being submissive or a masochist does not mean you have to be the other.
  • Being a sadist or Dominant does not mean you have to be the other.
  • Not being one or the other, or being both or perhaps all four does not make you worse or better than the other. It simply makes you you and unique.

Skylerpet is a 24/7 submissive pup in her late 20’s. She has been into pet play since she discovered the D/s lifestyle and can be reached at: for emails and also YIM chat.

Series Navigation<< 3 Ways You Can Learn About Your Limits When You Are New to BDSMScenes for Beginners: Ideas You Can Use To Start Exploring Bondage and BDSM Play in the Bedroom >>

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