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Vaginal Fisting: How You Too Can Experience a Hand in the Bush

This is an article by chelgrrl. It was written quite some time ago, but the information is still sound advice for those exploring fisting today.

I get a lot of responses when I say to people that I love to be fisted. Of course, there is the Fister, the person who does the fisting and the Fistee, the one receiving the fist. Women fistees react in a few ways when they hear the word. Some will be scared (the “eep” response that happens when one’s panties are already wet) and want to change the topic quickly. Others may state that they love it also (the “heavy sigh” response that reminisces about those times gone by). Others will say oh they could never do that (the “dare I want such a thing” response with mixed feelings). And then there are those who say they have tried but have never been able to be fisted (the “bad memories” response of the failed attempts to please the one who has introduced them to this activity).

Now, fisters have a variety of reactions too. Some are incredulous and say their hands are just too big and they could never do that (the “oh I can’t think about it” response for fear of getting aroused). Others are all hot and bothered by the thought of plunging their fist into a woman’s vagina for whatever internal reaction they might have (the “supreme god/dess” response that entails being all powerful). Some will admit to trying it and not be successful, and others will never dare admit to their failed attempts. I think it is common that many who do not necessarily truly understand fisting will say they have never enjoyed it and don’t add it to their battery of sexual activities.

What exactly is fisting? Well for me fisting is a type of penetration and stimulation of my vagina, my mind and my body that includes incredible sensations and fullness that I don’t think I have ever had rivaled by anything else. Fisting for me is a slow ritual almost and a gift from the fister to the fistee of pleasure and sensations that I am allowed to immerse myself into. Fisting at times is the only thing that will fully satisfy me. To feel the orgasms build and build and not to be able to get the full release until the fist is removed from me when my dams burst, and my fluids flood out of me, and I am indeed spent. Yes, I do orgasm during the fisting (multiple times mind you when it is well done), but there is a certain amount that my body is not allowed to do because this foreign object is filling me and keeping my walls from pulsing to the extent needed for the final release.

Fisting for me is not about the fister even though I have fisted someone before and it is an incredible experience on that end. Fisting is about me and about the dance between me and the fister. This dance includes an energy exchange for sure. I often wonder at anal fisting because I can see the energy exchange with an orifice that is larger than the anal sphincter and ponder what it would feel like to have the smaller opening stretched and allowed the full penetration and claimed of that part of my body as well. Fisting is a time when someone else is in full control of my body that is opening itself like a gate for the entrance of the fister’s energy and power. Maybe that is what fisters get that creates some of the difficulties in doing the act: feeling powerful, power-filled. Fisting is not entirely about power or claiming ownership of another body. Fisting is about enticing and eliciting an entry into the fistee’s core being. But not to discount the fact that once patience pays off the fister certainly does get an immense power rush.

Okay, enough nonsense and let me get into some details on how “I” like to be fisted. I will list some tips and my experiences and see where we go from there:

Fisting is amazing and incredible. It is something to be cautious about, but I don’t think it is necessary to fear it. It is not about force or pain, but like so many things in BDSM, it is about the dance of energies and the intermingling desires. It is about that threshold space where two people are not separate, and 2 bodies are not apart. I still have not been able to go back to fisting. I don’t know when it will happen. The fisting fiasco was a learning experience, and it was a lesson for me to build on.

Fisting is dangerous. But it can be a safer, saner and consensual activity. Other than hands: lube, communication skills, gloves, and patience are the necessary tools to move forward into the great divine. The only other factor is time.

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