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The Top 7 Posts of 2012 on Submissive Guide

As with anything on Submissive Guide I do my best to provide you with accurate opinions and general viewpoints on topics pertaining to BDSM and submission.  Readers such as you, tell me in a variety of ways what I should be focusing on from time to time by the amount of traffic or conversation a particular post gets.

I’d like to showcase several of these posts from the last year of Submissive Guide. While I could have included posts that continue to get large numbers of views I am going to limit this showcase to posts that have been written in the last year. Perhaps you missed some of these or you’ d like to hop in on the conversation. I hope you enjoy it.

Video Post: Where Do I Start?

This is a video I did on the most common question I get asked in emails and on the site. “How do I begin?” It’s quite overwhelming once you realize that you may be kinky or submissive (or both) and the wealth of knowledge available to you now can fill your head with even more questions.  I try to give you my recommended tips for starting out, what resources are worth the time and how to begin learning about yourself and the direction you wish to go.

DIY Toy Instructions Online

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I went web hunting one day and compiled a list of all of the DIY toy instructions that I could find that was helpful and interesting. It wasn’t easy to find some of these instructions and I don’t expect all of them to be around for long – if you are looking for an easy to build toybag collection, you may want to rush off and print these directions as soon as you can. I’ve been making my own toys for years and they are just as good, if not better in some cases than the ones purchased retail.

Submission in Marriage – Shifting from Husband and Wife to Dominant and Submissive

Transitioning any sort of existing relationship to a D/s relationship can be difficult, especially when you are raised that the husband and wife are equal partners. D/s is still equality – just on opposite poles. This essay works through some of the preparation and transition period for shifting to a D/s dynamic.

Research Page: Male Submission

I have to admit that one of the most asked for topics on Submissive Guide are more posts about male submissives and how they relate to their Dominants. A large amount of the content I already produce can work, but I’ve noticed a few unique things that men do as submissives, or perhaps it’s the female Dominants. Either way, I worked hard to add a research page with this topic in mind until I can get volunteers to write more on this perspective.

Video Post: The Real Truth Behind the Fear of Topping from the Bottom

I’m always shocked that the search term “topping from the bottom” has been at the top of the list for going on 2 years. The misconceptions, the falsehoods and the fear of treading into Dom territory surround it. In this post, I cover the real ways you can top from the bottom and many things that people think are topping when they aren’t.

Masturbation: When It Becomes Not So Private Anymore

Ah yes, you know you are kinky when you start masturbating in front of someone, right? Right? No? Must be just me. This essay was the first by BGtreasure and she covers the all too common embarrassment at sharing our self-pleasure with someone else and the control aspect of masturbation in a D/s relationship.

What Makes a Good Dominant?

thisgirl tackles the characteristics of a good Dominant in this essay. A good general outline for finding a good partner in general but especially since our tastes are a bit more exacting when it comes to the power exchange. I highly recommend reading this article if you are still trying to find your perfect Dominant.

Thoughts to Ponder

  1. What are your favorite essays from the previous year?
  2. If you had to write a response to one of the essays above, what would it be?
  3. Do you have a different viewpoint than ones expressed in the showcase? Write a 300-500 word reader response and send it in! I’ll post well-written ones on Submissive Guide.

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Copyright Submissive Guide – Some Rights Reserved: You are permitted to share the information within Fair Use, which my copyright policy declares to be no more than 10% or 400 words, whichever is smallest; to copy, distribute, and display under certain conditions.

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