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The Best Resources for Littles, Adult Babies, and Diaper Lovers

About a month ago, I got an email from a reader telling me that she and her dominant are interested in the Daddy/little girl lifestyle and asked me if I knew of any other online resources other than my previous articles that have appeared here on Submissive Guide. Sadly to say, I didn’t have many to give her. There were a few I knew off-hand but knew that there’s a lot more out there than what I knew. So, I spent some time searching the internet high and low to see what I could find, and I would like to think that I’ve come up with a wide variety of information sources for those who are littles, adult babies, and diaper lovers. I knew if one person is asking, there are others out there who are just as curious but may not be brave enough to ask. I’m breaking the sources down to categories, Fetlife, Tumblr, YouTube, and then other various websites.


List of Little and Adult Baby/Diaper Lover groups on Fetlife: This post is over four years old, and quite a few of the groups that are listed no longer exist, but there are still a lot of groups that are still active.

Taffy Davenport: I’m kinda partial here because she’s my BFF, but you will find some really great writings by her about different topics pertaining to the little lifestyle.

FAQs, Information, and Resources from the group Daddy Doms and babygirls: There’s a lot of in group threads in here that cover a great variety of topics.

AB/DL/Age Play Store and Services: This Fetlife group is the perfect place to look for places and people who sell adult baby, diaper lover, and age players to buy whatever they’re looking for from onesies and more personalized items.

24/7: ABDL/Age Players: This group is for adult babies, diaper lovers, and age players of all kind. There’s a wide variety of topics that are discussed and a lot of good information in the sticky section as well.


A Lolita’s Life: Lolita is very Tumblr famous with the littles! She answers a LOT of questions that anyone has about being little and her poly relationship with her Daddy and husband.

Daddy Vinne: Daddy Vinnie is Lolita’s Daddy. He’s also rather Tumblr famous among the littles. Like Lolita, he offers a lot of advice to both the bigs and littles alike.

BDSM-Daddy Doms: Not only do they have a lot of pretty awesome pictures(my personal opinion), but they also answer questions.

DDLG Doodles: This Tumblr page is filled with all sorts of awesome stuff including a lot of safety advice about different types of play.

DDlg Secrets: Not only does this Tumblr page answer follower’s questions about the Daddy/little girl lifestyle, but it’s also a bit like the PostSecret’s website, where littles anonymously leave secrets they have about the Daddy/little lifestyle.


15 Stone Babies: A documentary that aired in the UK about adult babies in the UK and US.   Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four 

Mid-American Baby: A young man shares how he discovered his little side.

Lolly Go: A young woman shares her experiences as a little/diaper lover.

LifestyleLittle: Candi is an AB/DL and shares her feelings and experiences.

Ostrichlamps: This is a group of several people who post videos about different topics pertaining to Daddy/little girl as well as AB/DL.


Big Little Podcast: A podcast made by, about and for littles, adult babies, and diaper lovers and they cover a broad range of topics that pertain to the little lifestyle.

A Little’s Munch: A place where you can find other local littles and little munches in your area.

A Little’s Understanding: A website for everything little! It has a chat room, forum to share ideas, scrapbooking ideas, and some pretty awesome articles as well.

Little Girl Lost: This site came highly recommended by some littles on Fetlife. It’s the web archive of the website. This does contain some sexual material, so if you’re a non-sexual little, be careful!

Age Play Negotiation Form: This is like a BDSM checklist, but specialized for those who are littles and age players and everything in between. It covers everything from what kind of little you are, safe words, what kind of physical contact is okay during play and several other very important areas. This is something that is perfect to fill out if you and your partner are starting to explore the dynamic.

In Daddy’s Arms: A blog kept by an owned babygirl and submissive and her thoughts, experiences, and progress in her relationship.


Ageplay: From Diapers to Diplomas by Paul Rulof: Do you want to be a sassy schoolchild or a baby again? For an hour or maybe longer? Ageplay, or role-playing focused on being a different age, is one way to have fun and express yourself. Whether emotionally satisfying, sexually satisfying, or both, this type of role-playing is fun and evocative. This book will guide you through the different aspects of ageplay. Sections include describing and choosing roles, setting up scenes and interactions, and finding other people to connect and play with. Included are quotes from ageplayers, describing their interactions and feelings, as well as a list of scene possibilities. I am reading this one and am finding it very interesting.

The Toybag Guide to Age Play by Lee Harrington: Adult babies, sassy schoolgirls, bratty teens – all hold an honored place in the erotic roleplaying imagination of many adults. You’ll learn how to express yourself through your ageplay role, choose a level of play that feels safe yet exciting, negotiate to be sure your needs get met, and find great props and equipment to inspire your play. This one is on my to-read list. I love Lee Harrington and he is full of so much amazing knowledge.

The Age Play and Diaper Fetish Handbook by Penny Barber: Penny Barber has put her years of experience as a diaper fetish model, AB/DL switch, and professional Mommy into The Age Play and Diaper Fetish Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to the World of AB/DL. It is the first complete resource for anyone who wants to know about the world of age players and diaper lovers. Perfect for professional players, the partners of AB/DLs, and AB/DLs themselves, The Handbook is packed with practical tips on everything from choosing the perfect diaper to administering AB/DL punishments to the best regression methods. This is another one that I plan on reading as soon as I get the chance.

Power Exchange Books: Age Play by Robert Rubel: Age play is a form of role play enjoyed by many adults worldwide. Age play never involves biological children and is a role play for consenting adults only. As you will read in this issue, there is no “one way” to live out the role one chooses. We have collected a gallery of age players from across the country who cover a wide scope of different orientations and personalities. Each of the authors showcased in this edition will share their story and style with you. It is our desire that those looking for a place to begin their age play journey will find a path of direction that will help them move forward. For those who have started your path, may you gather fresh ideas and outlooks to add to and enhance your age play. Join us as we share our heartfelt joys, heartbreaking sorrows, moments of personal enlightenment, and just plain fun moments through the articles that follow.

I hope this list is a great start in where to go for little, adult baby, and diaper lover resources. Please feel free to share any links I may have missed in the comments. I would to see what else the readers have that I may not know about.

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