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Find a Munch at!

Are you looking for kink friends and fun close to you? Have you heard about munches, but don’t know what they are, much less where to look? Are you traveling or relocating and not sure about the community at your destination? Or, are you already involved, and you want your local organization to grow? can help! (aka The Munch+Adult Local Link (MALL) Directory) is an extensive collection of 1000s of links and descriptions to locality-based groups, gatherings, and resources worldwide.

Several years ago, The MALL Directory was born from the realization that adult, non-commercial discussion groups, especially those relating to BDSM or fetishes, were difficult to find. Even at the height of their popularity, Yahoo groups were often censored and deleted. As FetLife emerged as a platform, munches and meetings continue to be hidden in plain sight even though the site is indexed and able to be searched. (Want to know to how to fix that problem? Check out these all-too-common mistakes.)

What makes The MALL Directory / different?

Click here for more!
  1. Its global reach. In addition to being able to find nearby organizations, individuals seeking resources for a move, a travel or just other local options, can easily find groups;
  2. It unearths beyond what can be found in a basic search (e.g. locating locality-based groups that are named by area, but not a specific place, or into those using two characters as descriptors (e.g. TN). incorporates FetLife and Yahoo groups but does not limit itself to them.
  3. Its content is actively being expanded and updated nearly every day. Listings are added based on regular research, in addition to information shared by groups themselves.

Besides traditional munches, The MALL Directory also gives details on sloshes, meets, chapter organizations such as ClubFEM, MAsT, NLA, Rope Bite; special interest groups based on age, sexuality, race, gender, fetish, religion, specific roles and dynamics; groups for bartering and classifieds postings; as well as “vanilla” and/or family-oriented gatherings.

Also, has assembled useful information for organization leaders. As well, lifestyle novices can find educational readings about the lifestyle. The Directory is nonprofit and assembled as a service to the community at large.

Do you have any questions? Please contact Joy at

Wherever you are…wherever you’re going…We’re here to help!

Note from lunaKM – While it is uncommon that I accept posts promoting a website/product or service that isn’t affiliated with Submissive Guide I felt that this site was a resource that had to be shared. This is an excellent new resource for finding a group near you. 

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Copyright Submissive Guide – Some Rights Reserved: You are permitted to share the information within Fair Use, which my copyright policy declares to be no more than 10% or 400 words, whichever is smallest; to copy, distribute, and display under certain conditions.

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