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Thisgirl is a 30 year old submissive living in the UK and engaged to her Master, Grimly. To contact her visit her blog or by Fetlife or e-mail

What Makes a Good Dominant?

I’d commented on a thread recently on the topic of what makes a good dominant here on fetlife and I’ve been thinking about it a little more since then as I have had personal experience of both good and bad doms first hand and from stories and the experiences of friends also. Of course not everyone has the

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Showing Face: How Time Has Changed ThisGirl’s Perceptions of Sharing Photos Online

How many of you post pictures on the Internet of your BDSM experiences? Or maybe on FetLife or your blog? Sharing photos has been something I have done from the very beginning. For a long time, though, I was uncomfortable showing my face in any fetish pictures since I was partly worried about the risk of being outed and

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Collars and More: Symbols of Ownership in a D/s Relationship

This entry is part 3 of 16 in the series Collars and Collaring

After my last post on value which was about ownership and the transaction where my Master ‘bought’ me, someone emailed me to enquire about further ways ownership can be demonstrated and felt by the two people concerned. It really is a very personal thing. What means ownership to me might not be the same as what it

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The Value of a Slave

One of my earliest fantasies, or dreams actually, was the idea of being owned by someone and I envisaged the whole notion of belonging to someone much more simple and much more ‘me’ than the concept of being obedient or submissive as such. I wanted to belong more than I wanted to obey. I am

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