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Showing 21 to 30 of 206.

How You Can Help Your Partner Become More Dominant

I've always been the strongest one in my relationships. He isn't weak, but very calm and he has always set me "free"...too much, if I have to say the truth. I hope it makes sense...he's understanding, we are talking about it a lot...but I need some extra advice. I don't want to confuse him even more...

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Preach What You Practice: Teaching What You Know Helps Others and That's Why I Do What I Do

You can have the passion for teaching as well. In everything you do, there is a lesson that another submissive can pick up. A few years ago I was given the opportunity to show another submissive how I give a foot massage. Now, I've not had training and I've only picked up a few books and read a few articles so I wasn't sure what I could teach her, but we still sat down at the feet of our owners and massaged them. She did learn a few new things that she didn't already know and it re-solidified my ability to please my Master in this task. You too probably have things you can teach.

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Start Reading “Conquer Me” for Submissive Guide’s First Ever Book Club Event!

Every Friday I will present you with a guidepost and questions that you can answer to help with your understanding and progress through the book.

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I'm New to BDSM, Where Do I Find Information?

Knowing where to start can be difficult when you don't know a whole lot about BDSM.

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Book Review: Power Circuits by Raven Kaldera

Power Circuits is a book about polyamory in a power dynamic relationship. If you are in a power dynamic relationship and are thinking of possibly opening up your dynamic to include polyamory, then this book is a must read for all parties involved.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Create a Butler's Book For Stress-Free Entertaining

What to include in your own Butler's book for entertaining, so that each guest will have an amazing time and you can showcase your best hostess skills.

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Polyamory Resources From Around the Web

I hope people who are interested in exploring polyamorous relationships find this list of resources helpful.

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Book Review: Paradigms of Power: Styles of Master/Slave Relationships

Paradigms of Power: Styles of Master/Slave Relationships by Raven Kaldera is a collection of essays written by both masters and slaves who are involved in different types of relationships. Tequilarose provides a critical review.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 31: Q&A, Resources and Further Reading

Frequent questions and some further resources to up your submissive journaling. This is the end of the 31 Days to Submissive Journaling Series.

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Enhancing the Dominant or Submissive Traits in Your Vanilla Partner

Mistress Steel tackles the the topic of introducing your partner to BDSM and D/s. She provides some simple suggestions to get you started with the conversation and some subtle hints you can use today to share your kink with your spouse.

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