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When Fantasy Collides with Reality: Weighing Expectations when Exploring Kink Fantasies

Unrealistic expectations and desires are some of the most difficult challenges faced by those who are experienced in the lifestyle when dealing with those just entering the lifestyle. In many ways we each buy into a particular ‘aspect’ of the fantasy. Yet over and over people try to implement the impossible.

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Add Your Favorite BDSM Books Reading List to Your Submissive Training Resume

The importance of this list is not only to show a potential Dominant that you are well read, but that you have a personal desire to work on improving yourself, learning a wide range of viewpoints and opinions and learn about BDSM activities of all sorts.

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10 Books on Holiday Preparation

With the holidays right around the corner I wanted to give you some helpful resources to get you started on decorating and planning for the family; whether that be meals or traveling.

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Best BDSM Fiction for Hot Steamy Nights

I love reading BDSM fiction, erotica and other service books. I broke my kinky teeth on the Story of O so I can't ignore it on this list, but it's not the best of the best. I'd like to offer up the books that I love and enjoy to read; most of which I like to keep on my bedside table. Not at the same time, mind you.

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BDSM Books You Can Get on Kindle

Books are a wonderful way to learn on your own about BDSM, submission, sex and all the other activities you can explore. But who wants to carry a BDSM book onto the bus? Kindle (and other readers) are an excellent way to hide your book choices and still bring them all with you.

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You Are What You Read: What Got You Into BDSM and D/s?

Some people think it is to do with their nature from birth, others think it is how they are nurtured and what they experience in life. I think perhaps I am somewhere between the middle in my belief on that issue.

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The Most Popular and Favorite Books on BDSM - According to Our Readers

The following is a compilation of the most purchased BDSM-related books on Amazon – by our community.

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The Top 3 Books I Recommend to Everyone New to BDSM

I've taken some of the guesswork out of it for you by providing you the top 3 books I recommend to everyone new to BDSM. The only thing you have to do is figure out which one you want to buy first!

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The Best Books for a Novice Submissive

There are a lot of books out there related to BDSM and being a novice submissive.

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The Year's Best-Selling BDSM Books and eBooks from Amazon Voted by YOU

Here are the books you are reading based on my Amazon statistics!

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