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The Collar of Consideration

Often the first collar you receive if your Dominant does a tiered system, a collar of consideration is when you’re under a trial period to see if you two are compatible.

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Submissive on Your Own Terms: Analyzing The One True Way

There are those who believe that there is only one way to be submissive. Mistress Steel challenges those thoughts with critical thinking, to open up the idea that submission is personal and varied.

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What You Need To Know About Using Contracts to Negotiate a Relationship

In a D/s relationship, it is not unfamiliar to also draft a contract in which to declare your intentions with each other. These are not required, of course, and some people will proclaim the invalidity of these documents to anyone who will listen. I feel that the creation of a contract has some very useful and valuable importance to a growing relationship.

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Submissive and Slave: A Personal View

Some say the difference between a submissive and a slave has nothing whatever to do with how much control one gives up or how submissive one is. That it's in one's actions. In the way the slave obeys without question or hesitation. In the respect in the slave's voice when he or she speaks with his or her owner. In the way the slave knows what the owner needs almost before the owner does. But I've known some submissives to show their dominants more respect than some slaves show their owners.

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5 Types of Power Exchange Relationships

We can however, put every relationship into 5 different relationship types. I'm sure there are more, but for the purpose of this essay, I will be covering the 5 types that I can see in this life. This is not the only way to look at and describe relationships, but it is a good beginning. I am not a relationship expert and what I am writing about is my own observations. If you feel that another definition fits your idea of each relationship type, then by all means, please use your own.

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A Mentor is Not Your Dom: Learning How to Connect with Experienced People For Submissive Development

If a Dominant approaches you and offers to be your mentor, make sure you clarify with them what you expect from them and for your own sake, keep it platonic. Your personal growth will be much improved and when that perfect Dominant comes along you'll be ready.

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Fantastic Submissive Videos for Learning and Growth on Kink Academy

If you can't get out to munches in your community or conventions held around the world the next best thing is a website focused on kink education. I have nothing but praise for Kink Academy and the quality educators and topics that they cover on Kink Academy.

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The Controversy of Safe Words during Punishment

Receiving punishment without having a safe word in place isn’t for everyone.

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Learning To Be a 24/7 Submissive Is Like...

You practice, adapt and learn what works for you and discard the things that don't. If you apply it to your everyday life, make it a part of you and don't consider it an on/off switch, then you too can be 24/7.

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Obedience: A Covenant of Submission

My obedience is my word; it is my bond; it is my reputation; it is my name. There truly is no submission for us without obedience; this is how we show we are who and what we say we are. I would like to share a few pearls/pointers gleaned.

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