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The Formal Collar

The Formal Collar is offered by the Dominant with the intent to formalize the bond and attachment between themselves and their submissive. It is a recognition of commitment, deep emotional feelings, devotion, mutual respect, and consideration. It expresses a belief that the Dominant and submissive share similar ideals and a genuine and growing desire to share each other’s lives over perhaps the rest of their lives.

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Disabled? Ideas on How You Can Still Enjoy BDSM When Impaired

There are many Dominants and submissives with varying degrees of disability or other physical problems that, to some extent, leave them handicapped. It is quite possible to scene from both sides despite such impairments. However, some key things should be addressed.

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The Sexual Submissive

If you believe yourself to be a sexual submissive then I urge you to become comfortable with who you are and not try to force yourself to fit into any other person's idea of what you must be.

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Why Isn't Our Relationship Going Anywhere?

Although we aren’t a 24/7 D/s relationship, I feel like it’s not going anywhere? He isn’t doing his part to be informed or active as a Dom no matter how many times I suggest things.

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Ideas for Discreet Punishment

He's hesitant to continue the discussion on rules he would like for me to follow due to the fact that punishment for these rules would be hard due to lack of privacy. Any suggestions about discreet punishments?

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Defining Sub Space

Mistress Steel breaks down the many levels of subspace, as she sees them, and how to navigate them in play.

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How Often Have You Said: "I Don't Know What's Expected of Me, But I'd Like To"?

Let me tell you what you can do to make sure you are better informed before you enter a relationship and shortly after you've found a Dominant to submit to so your question of what is expected of you can be answered as fully as possible.

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Recognizing Sub Rebound (Sub Drop)

Submissive Rebound is often called sub-drop. Here are some ways you can recognize it in you.

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Submissive Myths: Submission is a Result of Childhood Abuse

If a human being at some point in their childhood becomes the focus of physical and/or sexual abuse does this then turn them into a submissive at some later point in their lives?

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Submissive Journals: Bullet/Analogue Journal Review

Developed by Ryder Carroll, the idea of analog/bullet journaling is kind of elegant in its simplicity. You have one notebook. Everything goes in that notebook. So what can you put in it that's related to submission?

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