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What is Situational Service?

Situational service encompasses what I called conditional service. You serve only when presented with a specific set of circumstances, thus the situation is perfect for your service. This could be that you only submit on the weekends, or that you serve best when directed to do x, y and z.

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The Novelty of Slash Speak in Online Submission

Slash speak is a protocol established by online dominants for their submissives to decern who's on top and who's on the bottom. It's said to be a form of respect for those online.

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What Happens At Your First Munch?

So you are ready to venture into the great wide expanse of public life and meet people face to face. That's great! A munch is a safe and fun environment to do that in. A munch is a meet and greet of kinky folks in a public to semi-private space where you can get to know people, talk and ask questions and just enjoy feeling good about who you are without having to hide anything.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 7: Serving Food and Drink With Grace

Today I have a collection of tips, tricks and resources for serving a full meal to your Dominant with style and grace.

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Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of A Predator Dom/me Part 1

If you’re a new submissive this lifestyle may seem overwhelming at first. A submissive I know terms it ‘the new submissive smell’. Dom/mes sense ‘new blood’, and swarm like piranhas to interact with, play with or train the new submissive in the group. Dom/mes may contact you online or meet you at a munch. They are covered with impressive or threatening names: Sir Snod of Grass or Master Whackyourass. With no experience, how can you tell if they are someone you can trust? The answer is information!

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30 Days of Submission: Day 25 - Rituals of Submission

Are there items, objects or rituals that represent or help you express submission?

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30 Days of Submission: Day 27 - Fantasies Waiting

Do you have submissive desires or fantasies that you have yet to be able to explore?

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What is a Leather Family?

What does "in a leather family" mean? What is Leather? I know where it started, but what does it mean in today's BDSM society?

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Jealousy and Mono/Poly Relationships

Here's what has helped Mina learn about jealousy in a mono/poly relationship - it just might help you too.

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Play Nice: Some Notes on Scene Etiquette and Leather Protocol (Part 4 of 7) - Play Parties

In part 4 of Ambrosio's series on Protocol and Etiquette, it's play parties! Come read a set of sample party rules and three different types of parties you may encounter in your local BDSM community.

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