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The Ritual of Dominance & Submission: A Guide to High Protocol Dominance & Submission

If you are interested in protocol and want to read about high protocol and what it might look like in your dynamic I suggest you give this book a try.

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What Is Slave Training?

The important thing to remember with slave training is that is it an agreed upon change or set of changes that the submissive undergoes to improve themselves for their Dominant or themselves. You do not have to be in a relationship to undergo training. You just have to have a desire to better yourself.

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Submitting in Public: How is it Done?

I don't know about you but when it comes to my kink I'd like to be in control of who knows and when that reveal occurs, so our D/s is covert when we aren't able to be completely out.

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How To Be Submissive Without a Dominant

Unlike the fact that you can't be a wife without a husband, being submissive isn't a title. Either you have it in your or you don't. I am submissive and thrive in situations where I can serve - no matter where that occurs.

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When Mommy/slave is Ill...

Let's face it. Not everyone out there is graced with excellent health, some of us are even chronically ill. So what do you do as a slave and a mother and wife when the bad pain/illness days hit?

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Telling the Difference Between a Ritual and a Protocol

Rituals and protocols can add richness, structure and even a little fun to a D/s relationship. Knowing the difference between the two can help the submissive better understand the desires and intentions of the dominant, and to be more pleasing when performing them.

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Manners, Etiquette and Appropriateness When Interacting with People in the BDSM Scene

I am strongly attracted to my Dom despite his lack of fitness, however whenever he holds me down I can easily push him off if I want to, etc.

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Entering the Community: Understanding and Following General Protocols in Public

Low and high protocol events require different rules and behaviors. Here's how you navigate them, they aren't as scary as you think!

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9 Books on BDSM and D/s I've Read More Than Once (They're THAT Good!)

You have to admit that the books that resonate with you the most, are ones you've read more than once. Here's my list of 9 of the best BDSM and D/s related books that I've pulled off the shelf time and time again.

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Play Nice: Some Notes on Scene Etiquette and Leather Protocol (Part 7 of 7) - In Closing

The last part of Ambrosio's series on Leather and Etiquette. This article contains further reading, links, and resources you can use to improve your own knowledge!

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