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Showing 121 to 130 of 206.

BDSM Conventions: There’s a Con for Kinky People Too!

Ever wanted to attend a convention where kink is the focus? Well, you can! BDSM conventions happen all over the world and it’s likely there’s one not too far from you! Let’s find out happens at one.

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Improving Your Submission - Your Support System

A lot of the goals we set for ourselves can be reached without outside support, but others work so much better when we have people cheering us on, keeping us accountable and just being there when frustration comes up. Establishing a support system is in your best interest.

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What Makes a Good Dominant?

I think there are a few characteristics that may exist in common, a lot of which are often found in a good 'normal' relationship too!

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An Introduction to Body Service

One of the more intimate ways that we submissives can serve our Dominants is by learning and performing grooming duties usually left to themselves to do.

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Me vs the German Language - A Lesson in Patience

More times than I care to count, I find myself in the train of thought that I shouldn’t even bother because I’m never going to understand the language, so why keep torturing myself? But then, on the other hand, I get so frustrated because I can’t really communicate while out in public. This is when having a bit of patience comes into play.

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A Day in the Life of Tequila Rose

A snapshot of the daily life of tequilarose. This is part of an ongoing series of posts where you too can share a typical day in your submissive life with the rest of us!

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What's My Age Again? Being Little and Growing Older

There are days where my biological age kinda screws with my little age. This is something that all littles go through.

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Afraid of Not Being Me Anymore: Transformation Without Fear

Becoming submissive does not mean you stop being who you are now. All of my advice has always been that you should be you, just a better you.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 7: Selecting a Physical Journal

How do you know what kind of journal will suit you best? Figure out what you need to have to make your journaling experience pleasant. I've done all the legwork for you.

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How I’m Using “The Miracle Morning” to Rekindle My Happiness in Submission

Learning to be positive, to focus on my dreams and goals and to make things a priority again have been a huge change for me and I'm looking forward to a better future. Maybe you can see how the Miracle Morning might help you also.

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