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personal boundaries

Don’t Touch Other People’s Property: The Golden Rule at BDSM Functions

The other night KnyghtMare and I went to a play party. We were having a nice time sitting and watching and socializing in the sunken seating area surrounded by raised booths. KnyghtMare was playfully swatting my breasts from time to time and at one point I raised my arms up out of the way to

Don’t Touch Other People’s Property: The Golden Rule at BDSM Functions Read More »

The Ready-Made Submissive

The Ready-Made Submissive. This is a phenomenon that I am seeing pop up around the BDSM community. Why is this becoming prevalent? What exactly is a ready-made submissive? How can we, as a submissive, not fall into the pitfall of this? This is what I am going to talk about, and, hopefully, help you to

The Ready-Made Submissive Read More »

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