needs vs wants

Is Submission a Need?

Is it possible to have a need for submission? I’m in an amazing “vanilla” relationship, with a past of D/S for both of us. We both know of the other’s past, and recently began to incorporate some D/S components to our relationship. The issue is I feel like I have a need to submit. It’s not just

Is Submission a Need? Read More »

How to Identify Your Submissive Wants and Needs

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Submissive Wants and Needs

Submissives all over seem to know what they want out of a relationship; it’s always present in their minds: the play, the sex, the love, or the strictness of dominance. Wants are very valid to the happiness in your life, but more important are the needs. When you think of needs, the list seems to

How to Identify Your Submissive Wants and Needs Read More »