habits and rituals

The Concept of Ritual in D/s Relationships

This entry is part 25 of 35 in the series Rituals, Rules and Protocol

Rituals have always been an essential aspect of my daily life. In and outside of submission, ritual is how I interact with my reality. Practicing ritual is how I organize my time and make sense of complex abstract ideas (like love, devotion, and purpose). Yet, ritual itself is a complex abstract idea. Many people struggle to define it, and […]

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How a Personal Protocol Can Aide Your Service

This entry is part 5 of 35 in the series Rituals, Rules and Protocol

The first time I heard the word protocol when introduced to BDSM it was some special ritualized order of things that can happen in a relationship. It was an unspoken word when I was single. You didn’t learn about protocol and no one I knew used a protocol to govern their own development and personal

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