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How do you keep in mindset of slave while working?

Full Question: Master and I both work outside the home. How does one keep the mindset of a slave while working and keep communication open? 


You may not like this answer, but you can’t keep it continuously. Have you ever seen a cartoon where a person is trying to balance a bunch of different hats on their head? That’s what we do too. We wear a lot of “hats” in our lives. We’re friends, spouses, co-workers, bosses, parents, children, coaches, etc. Whatever “hat” is needed for a particular situation is the one we wear. Parent-teacher conferences? You’re wearing a parent hat. Sitting in a meeting at work to discuss the next project? You’re a co-worker (or boss). That doesn’t mean the rest of the hats don’t exist; they are still in the stack that we balance, just further from our heads. 

What does a slave mindset look like to you? Is it something you should present to others or reserve for your partner? Other people in relationships don’t outwardly convey they are in a relationship while at work. The same applies to you.

Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t remind yourself of your position as your partner’s slave throughout the day, especially when you can communicate with them.  If you have rules you commonly follow, they should be continued outside the home if possible. Do you have a collar or other symbol you wear? Touch it or look at it throughout the day. 

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I also know plenty of work environments don’t allow you to remain in contact with your partner, so if yours does, that’s great!  When you message or talk to your partner, remember you are their slave and follow any rules you have on behavior in communication.

Even though you identify as a slave, some autonomy is required when you are not in your partner’s presence. I often employ the thought process of “WWMD” or “What would Master (Sir) do?” If I’m trying to manage my behavior or situation, I can reflect on what my partner’s decision would be in this instance. This works best when you can’t get in contact with your partner or there isn’t time to get a response. 

Often, you may hear that a slave is the visual example of the Master who owns them. Your attitude and behavior should be something your partner can be proud of. What that looks like to you and your partner is something that can be discussed. For my relationship, that means I’m polite, respectful, humble, and hard-working. I am to work swiftly but not sloppily. He also appreciates if I exude confidence and femininity where appropriate. So talk to your partner about what they see as slave behavior and attitude in public and at work. You might find they have some suggestions that, as you follow them, will put you in the mindset you’re looking for.

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