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Submissive Advent Calendar

Submissive Advent Calendar

This entry is part 1 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

The Advent is the time in anticipation for Christmas and is celebrated in some religious circles, but also carries a secular following. Advent translated means “the coming.” I’m sure everyone has seen the cardboard calendars with little doors and chocolate inside; to be opened one a day until Christmas Day. Well, I’ve had this idea of

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Submissive Advent – Day 1: In Wait

This entry is part 2 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Welcome to the first day of Submissive Advent. Every day we’ll learn more about ourselves, our relationship or perspective relationships and our submission. Shakespeare has a couple of sonnets that are often used as poems of submission and service. Today, I’d like to share Sonnet 57: Being your slave what should I do but tend

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Submissive Advent – Day 3: The Wise Words

This entry is part 4 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 3 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. No matter where we are in our submissive journey, whether that be mere days into the discovery or years of experience we

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Submissive Advent – Day 6: Awareness

This entry is part 7 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 6 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. This is a simple moment for you today. Consider the following question. When are you most aware of being owned/submissive? Once you

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Submissive Advent – Day 11: Pancake Identity

This entry is part 12 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 11 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. In the book club event we did this fall we read “Conquer Me” by Kacie Cunningham. She has some very wonderful stories and words if

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Submissive Advent – Day 12: Proud Mary

This entry is part 13 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 12 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. I am often asked if being submissive means you have to be humble, meek and reserved. It always puzzles me to think

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Submissive Advent – Day 16: Prayer

This entry is part 17 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 16 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. This has been all over the internet but it’s a great find. Read it and connect to your own submission today. A

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Submissive Advent – Day 18: Becoming Real

This entry is part 19 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 18 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. The inspiration for today comes from one of my favorite stories, The Velveteen Rabbit. It has a wonderful ending that we all

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Submissive Advent – Day 19: Light a Candle

This entry is part 20 of 25 in the series Submissive Advent Calendar

Today is day 19 of the Submissive Advent Calendar. If you missed yesterday’s post you can  go back to that now, or  rewind all the way to the beginning. You can also  read the introduction post. Most of us enjoy the splendor and glory of candles. Candles are visible reminders of our possible triumph over darkness. Have you

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