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Single in the Scene

Single in the Scene Part I: Boundaries

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

Recently, I was contemplating the situation of being single in the Scene because of an email I received from someone concerning interacting with male dominants. Essentially, she responded to the sexual whims of the men she met online from the space of not having any boundaries set. Part of her inquiry to me was why

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Single in the Scene Part II: Service

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

This series is written from the perspective that being single in the Lifestyle affords one the opportunity to do some soul-searching, learning, and defining in order to be better equipped to transition into a suitable and desirable relationship in due time. Read Part I: Boundaries. Over the past few weeks, the matter of service has come

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Single in the Scene Part III: The Slave Resume

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

This series is written from the perspective that being single in the Lifestyle affords one the opportunity to do some soul-searching, learning, and defining in order to be better equipped to transition into a suitable and desirable relationship in due time. Read – Part I: Boundaries and Part II: Service. Yeeees – there is a such thing as

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Single in the Scene Part IV: Petitioning

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

This series is written from the perspective that being single in the Lifestyle affords one the opportunity to do some soul-searching, learning, and defining in order to be better equipped to transition into a suitable and desirable relationship in due time. Read –  Part I: Boundaries ,   Part II: Service, Part III: Slave Resume .

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Single In The Scene Part VI: Vulnerability

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

I’m of the opinion that there are many slaves who are unowned for one reason: fear of being vulnerable. The way relationships tend to flow in the vanilla world vulnerability isn’t a necessity to maintain the relationship. Usually most are not surrendering to their partners and both tend to rest assured that they are equals

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Single in the Scene VII: The Unaccompanied slave

This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series Single in the Scene

During this past MsC (the Master/slave Conference) in September, there was a discussion about being an unowned slave at an event and the downside of such. And before then, I had participated in a discussion on FetLife – more of an open dialogue between the owned and the unowned about the tension between the two

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