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For Male Submissives

Male submission – Financial Domination

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

Financial Domination is an area of BDSM which often elicits strong opinions. With other BDSM activities such as spanking and bondage, at some point, after the Safe, Sane, and Consensual scene is over there is no damage done and things are typically physically back to the way they were. However, if a sub’s money is

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Male Submission – Selfishness

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

The title of this article may seem self-contradictory but submission means different things to different people and also almost all human beings are selfish to at least some degree at some point in our lives. Many submissives gain pleasure directly from the pleasure of their dominant and they are clearly not the target of this

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Male Submission – Foot Fetish

This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

In this part 3 of my series of articles about Male Submission on The Submissive Guide, I discuss the role of a foot fetish. There are a whole lot of guys who have a fetish for feet, and while there are women who also have a foot fetish it is by far more prevalent with

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Male Submission – Fantasy vs Reality

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

In part 1 of my series of articles on male submission I wrote about one archetype of male submission “The Worm.”  For clarification, a large majority of male submissives do not fit that mindset as there are plenty of other dynamics. However, one topic which is common to many male submissives is that the fantasy of

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Male Submission – The Worm

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

As the first in a series of articles focusing on male submission, this article presents thoughts about one of the archetypes of male submission, the “worm.” Men and women are different, of course, and in some cases that goes beyond the obvious physical characteristics. Almost all of the articles on The Submissive Guide are valid

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Fictional Stories of Male Submission

This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

Fictional BDSM stories or erotica are often not only enjoyable but also may be a good way to learn what might be enjoyable to the reader in real life.  Those who are new to BDSM often do not know what activities and mindsets they might enjoy and while non-fiction articles, blogs, and communities are a

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Is Male Submission a Form of Weakness?

This entry is part 7 of 10 in the series For Male Submissives

This is a guest post by fuzzyP. I’ve put this question off long enough. It’s one of those questions that can cause a person to take a long, uncomfortable look at oneself, and I don’t know too many people who like doing that. My answer may not be quite what you expect. Men are strong,

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