How The Honor Notebook Will Help You Focus on The Good in Your D/s Relationship

As submissives we tend to need to be reminded what we are doing to improve our lives and to give credit for success and progress no matter how small we may perceive it. This new project will help correct that I hope.

The following questions are to be used as prompts for you to think about the way you positively impact your relationship, your submission and the world around you. Every month I will remind you to think about how you doing and to share with us here at Submissive Guide your thoughts on honor and progress.

  • What have you done recently to honor your dominant?
  • What have you done recently to honor yourself?
  • What have you done recently to honor your relationship?
  • What have you done recently to honor your family/home?
  • What have you done recently to honor your beliefs?
  • What have you done recently to honor the planet?

Please feel free to answer as many of these questions as you’d like and post them where ever you will get the most from them; be it a personal blog, on paper or in the comments of this post. Reaffirm each other and learn that our honor and joy can be expressed in a number of tiny ways each and every day.

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