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How Master Took Control of the Finances

This is a guest post by Nicolette Hart.

I am a very independent, strong woman. I have never liked asking for help from others or for money from anyone. I have always been able to figure things out on my own. But when he came along all charming mysterious, he was different from any man I have ever known. Meeting him changed my life forever.

I have been a happy submissive to my Master for several years now. I love him with all my heart and I would give my life for his any day. He is an awesome Master and I am a very lucky slave having him as my Owner and Master. I belong to him completely today but when I look back, having him control all the money was the greatest submission for me to him.

I would do anything to make him happy, so after some time we started discussing dominance and submission in the BDSM lifestyle, I loved the idea. But when it came time for us to combine our finances, or rather for me to give him all of my money and all of my bills and give him the control over my finances, it was difficult for me. Not that I didn’t trust him to do well, it wasn’t that at all. It was that I have never been used to asking for money and it made me feel like I am not good enough, or not capable enough to survive on my own.

But I knew that it was the right thing to do, there cannot be two leaders in the house. So, a little by a little we turned things over to him. First, when I still had a day job, he told me to keep what I needed to pay my bills and to give him the rest but making sure that I give him at least a certain amount each time. We worked out the math so that he knew exactly how much money I would give him every month. I would also keep enough money to buy the groceries. It worked well for a while.

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After several months Master became in charge over that as well. It felt strange at first having to ask him for money for small things I needed, but after a while, I got used to it, especially when he never gave me a hard time about it. I got more and more comfortable until finally, the day came when I realized that he was in charge over all the finances and I that I absolutely loved it. I realized that this is what I’ve always wanted to begin with.

You see, it was always my dream not have to worry about money. I had always wanted to make enough to pay my bills and not have to worry about the rest, especially not having enough. I grew up in a poor family with 6 other siblings and so we never had enough of anything as kids. So, when I submitted to my Master completely and utterly, including finances, it was the ultimate happiness for me.

Today I get an allowance every month that I use for gas money and for anything small I need to buy. He covers anything else that needs to be paid beyond that and if something comes up that I need to pay other than my allowance, I ask him and he budgets for it. It works great. Especially since I don’t have to worry about and it frees up my attention to other things. I can invest my time to learn to be a better submissive and slave, to improve on my chores around the house, to be a better cook, to serve him better sexually, and to help with anything else he needs. My main purpose is to serve him and I will do anything possible to make him happy. That’s my goal in life and I am happy to say that I am living my dream. Wishes really do come true!

Nicolette Hart is a writer, blogger, a real life submissive and slave, a lover of women, and an erotic & bondage photographer. She has been a slave to her Master for several years now and he is the Master of her dreams. She is happy to share her experiences and to help others along their journey. You can find her at

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