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DIY Your Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. I know it’s still the beginning of January, but we all know how fast time flies and before we know it, February will be here and that’s when the clock really starts ticking. So, it’s never too early to plan ahead (says the girl who was finished with her Christmas shopping last year in August). Another thing, many times we feel pressures by society(that’s right Hallmark, I’m talking to YOU!), to find the perfect card and gift that expresses how much you love and how strongly you feel towards your partner/partners. With this pressure comes the idea that you have to spend a lot of money for that perfect gift. That the more money you spend, the more you love that person. Which, we all know is total horsehocky. So don’t let yourself get caught up in all the Valentine’s Day hype and I am here to help you with that!

There’s no reason to spend a lot of money on a Valentine’s Day gift. In my opinion, it’s so much better to get something that’s been handmade and comes from the heart. Those kinds of gifts, while they may not be huge in size, are huge in thought. What more can say I love you than a gift that you’ve put time and energy to make yourself? Here are some ideas that I’ve seen and absolutely love.

DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts 

The fun thing about being an s-type, is buying or making a toy for your dominant because not only does the dominant get to have fun with it, you do as well. Some people call this selfish thinking. I call this a win-win situation. Thanks to the Internet, there are TONS of links out there to DIY BDSM. While it may seem overwhelming to do a Google search and dig through all those links, because that can be quite time-consuming, I have found a handful of links that should send you in the right direction.

DIY Duct Tape Flogger

I think the duct tape floggers are awesome and especially now with all the colors, patterns, characters, and sports teams that you can get duct tape in now of days, you can personalize this flogger to your dominant’s likes.

DIY Velcro Cuffs Who doesn’t love cuffs? Cuffs are a lot of fun, but they also can be really expensive. This a pair of cuffs made from some velcro, a handful of d-rings, and with a little sewing, you have a pair of cuffs ready to use.

Assorted DIY BDSM Toys

Kinky Crafts on

DIY BDSM Toy Instructions Online by lunaKM

These links have all kinds of DIY BDSM toys. Gags, cuffs, paddles, floggers, and even furniture. Some are easy, some are a little more time-consuming, but there’s a wide variety of ideas and something that can spark the creative juices.


Now, if you’re wanting something that isn’t BDSM related, that’s okay. Nothing wrong with that. There’s plenty of those kinds of ideas on the Internet as well and I haven’t forgotten you either.

Personalized Dishes using Sharpie Markers

This one is a ton of fun because the sky is literally the limit. You can take a white coffee mug, plate, bowl and design it with Sharpie markers then bake it in the oven for about a half an hour and you have a special one of a kind personalized gift.

Printable Love Coupon Book

I did something like this similar for Daddy, but I made mine by hand and personalized the coupons to our taste such as afternoons of gaming together, breakfast of choice on weekends, dinner of choice(With 24 hour prior notice. Had to cover the possible loopholes!), and other fun activities that we enjoy doing with each other. With something like this, you can make it as clean or as kinky as you like. If you don’t have time to do one completely from scratch(and it is a rather time-consuming project, cutting out the coupons, writing them all out, decorating, assembling), this printable version is a great idea.

Photo Bookmark

If your D-type is an avid reader, then this is a fantastic idea! It’s a cloth bookmark with a small photo sewn on one end. It can be a picture of both of you together, just you, or a picture of something or somewhere special to the both of you.

Ideas for Making Your Own Valentine’s Day Card

I know there are usually only about 80 billion different kinds of Valentine’s Day cards on the shelves at your local store. Why buy a cookie cutter card when with just a little bit of time you can make your own?

50 Reasons I Love You Candy Jar

If your D-type has a sweet tooth, then this is the perfect idea. It’s a jar filled with candy and on the bottom, a reason why you love them. The original poster used Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures, but if that’s not up your dom’s ally, then use the miniature version of their favorite candy. Every time they go to grab a piece of candy or chocolate, they’ll also see a reason why they mean so much for you.

If you like this idea but not too big on using candy, here’s another idea. All you need is a deck of cards, some paper, and a Sharpie and you have a book full of 52 reasons why you love them. 


Nothing says I love you than a fantastic meal prepared by your own two hands. I am well aware that most s-types do this on a daily basis for their dominant, but for Valentine’s Day, do something a little extraordinary. A little candle light, some decorations, a fantastic meal and you’re all set.

I suggest doing something that your dominant really enjoys. Is there something you make that they really, really enjoy but you don’t get around to making it very often due to time constrictions or picky eaters? This is the perfect time to make that dish. Also make a dessert that they really enjoy and that you don’t make very often. I’m not talking a five course meal(unless that’s what you want to do)or some super fancy gourmet recipe. If you need some ideas, here are some links I found that feature both entree and dessert ideas.

Simple and Delicious Valentine’s Days Recipes from Nigella 

Valentine’s Day Chocolate Dessert Recipes from

Chocolate Covered Strawberries from

Romantic Valentine’s Day Entrees from

Valentine’s Day Dessert Recipes from

I hope the ideas I have shared with you have given you some ideas on how to create your own special and magical DIY Valentine’s Day. And, if you have any ideas that you would love to share with me and our other readers, please feel free to do so in the comments! I look forward to hearing about your ideas!

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