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Another 7 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Submission

This entry is part 3 of 30 in the series Novice Submissives Start Here

A few months ago I started a list of things you can do to improve your submission immediately. If you want to see what’s on that list, you can find that post in the archives. I’d like to continue to add to that list because there are always things you can do but may not see as something that would enhance what you already do for your Dominant or for yourself.

1. Learn how to not fidget.

Fidgeting is annoying and a sign that you are not focusing on something. If you can quiet your motions and your mind you will appear graceful and ready to take direction or just politely waiting for your Dominant. This can be especially hard when you are excited or afraid, so practice it before it becomes necessary to do so.

2. Read and learn about something your Dominant is interested in.

Part of your service is most likely to provide companionship. A partner that is knowledgeable about their favorite sport or book genre, for example, can show a deep interest in the person and make it enjoyable to carry conversations with them. This doesn’t mean that you have to be as passionate about the subject but it will make it easier to understand what they are talking about when the topic comes up.

Click here for more!

Have you ever wondered if you’re living up to your full potential as a submissive?

Submissive Reflection: A Journey of Rediscovery is a workbook designed to build a clear picture of what your personal submission looks like and how to be the best submissive you can possibly be.

3. Drink plenty of water.

Sure, that seems like an odd one but the benefits of water not only apply to weight management but healthy skin, radiance, blemishes, urinary health, cardiovascular health and so much more. It is a basic need for everyone and many of us don’t get enough. So stop reading right now and get yourself a glass of water; then come back here of course!

4. Surprise them!

Prepare and serve His or Her favorite meal naked. Set up a bath just for them and then bathe them. Just because you have done it before doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. Be exciting and flirty. Do something you know will excite them tonight and the rewards will be worth all the wonderful effort. Keep him wondering what other special things you have up your sleeve. Pull out the surprises often.

5. Be Flexible.

This one came from the comments on the last post. If your Dominant wants to do something and it requires you to drop what you are doing; then do it and don’t get in a huff about it. Things won’t always go exactly as planned and you need to be able to roll with the punches.

6. Share a fantasy with them.

It is very hard to get your fantasies fulfilled if they never know what they are. If you’ve had some hot dreams lately or masturbation fantasies let them know about them. Your Dominant will appreciate the sexuality of it and the openness of it. It could even lead to making that fantasy come true for you. I never said you couldn’t get anything out of improving yourself!

7. Practice kneeling and getting up from the floor using the tips given in May from the Submissive Positions series.

It’s always good to have a few graceful kneeling and rising poses under your belt. You never know when you can whip one out and show them respect and submission in that way, or just to reach that stubborn spill on the kitchen floor. ;)

Can you think of any others? Does this list need an 8, 9 and 10? Talk it out in the comments!

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