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Is BDSM the Nerds and Geeks Club?

I was listening to Mistress Matisse’s Guest Appearance the other day on the Savage Lovecast (Ep 163). She talks about a lot of kinky topics that callers ask Dan Savage. Somewhere near the end, there was an interesting comment by Dan where he asked MM if nerds and geeks are more likely to be into BDSM. It was meant to be a joke, but in all truth, there has to be something to this as I’ve seen it myself.

Now maybe it’s because I’m more sensitive to seeing nerds and geeks, or should I say advanced intellectuals, being more into BDSM than other forms of sexuality. I am, after all a nerd myself and my Master is a geek. We get along better with nerdy and geeky friends than we do others because of the common topics that keep coming up.

So, I’ve had some time to give it some thought. Yes, I think that BDSM attracts the advanced intellectuals, but it’s not an exclusive club by any means. Please allow me to explain and keep in mind there is a bit of tongue in cheek here. I don’t mean to offend anyone.

  • Advanced intellectuals tend to have higher mental abilities. They can comprehend social and physical challenges at a rate faster than others. They have trained minds to do these computations in their heads. Philosophy, sociology, and psychology are simple tactics for them. That may be why they can read body language really well and can tweak at your mind in the most delicious ways.
  • It is also common for advanced intellectuals to study and research things far more intensely than other types. When asked about electrical play for example, they can not only perform with the precision they can talk about how the current plays out in certain situations better than others, the differences in amperage and voltage, how to make their own tens units and can draw schematics for the electrical torture devices of their dreams.  It is far more likely to have a deeply technical conversation with them.
  • Advanced intellectuals are frequently online and tend to be the most prevalent sort in successful online communities. These people like to argue the terms, analyze the facts and give advice when none was asked for. The fountain of knowledge they harbor sometimes flows forth and what could be a one sentence answer to someone’s question becomes an 8 paragraph explanation about how that one sentence really isn’t enough.
  • The advanced intellectuals have a desire to be very exact with their play. Rope bondage practitioners may be precise, require perfect wrapping and symmetry, perform 15 different knots or have 10 different ways to do the same thing. A cane aficionado may have a multitude of techniques perfected and just as many canes. They can produce just about any mark they desire or none at all.
  • Advanced intellectuals generally have higher paying jobs than other folks and thus have more spending money for the things that please them. The cost of participating in BDSM is high and with a larger personal expense budget, these people tend to go for the best and most expensive of the equipment. Their dungeons are usually top notch, specialized in the kink that interests them most and it’s not unheard of for them to have 15 of one particular implement on the wall… all organized by sensation or material.

There are possibly dozens of reasons why the nerds and geeks among us are attracted to BDSM. If you can think of a reason, I’d love to hear it in the comments. And please, remember this is a humorous post and is not meant to harm anyone.

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