All Tied Up: Rope Bondage

This is a guest post for the BDSM Activity Feature Series. patricialynn offers us a look into rope bondage.

Rope bondage is a wonderful thing.  Nothing beats the feel of the rope sliding across my skin, teasing, tantalizing, with taunting promise of bondage to come.  Under the hands of a skilled rope top, bondage can become more than a simple restraint – it becomes an art form.

Most people look at rope bondage and think “I can tie a knot – this should be easy!” But there is more to rope bondage than simply picking up a rope and tying a sub up.  Just like any form of bondage, there are dangers that the participants need to be aware of.

First and foremost, you need to chose the right kind of rope.  Most people chose a smooth rope to lower the risk of chafing, but most smooth ropes also tighten when the rope is moved.  This is a bad idea if your bottom tends to squirm or struggle against the bonds!  For this reason, you want to chose a rope that is smooth but resists being tightened to extremes.

It is also strongly advised to keep a pair of EMT shears handy every time you experiment with rope bondage.  Emergencies do happen, and there are times when it is vital to cut the rope.  Using a knife in those situations is not advised, as you could cut your submissive by accident.

NEVER play around with any form of bondage in the dark.  If your bottom sinks deeply into subspace, she might not be aware if she loses feeling in the bound limbs.  It is the sub’s responsibility to inform her Dominate if she/he feels discomfort from the bondage – but it is also the dominates responsibility to watch the bound areas and monitor for circulation issues.

Rope maintenance is another aspect of bondage that most newcomers don’t consider.  Like fabric, ropes need specific care depending on what substance they are created from.  I am most familiar with hemp rope, which requires regular washing, air drying, and being re-conditioned before use.  This is a process that usually takes 3-4 days and hours of re-conditioning.  Usually bondage rope is not “ready-to-use” right from the start – it needs cleaning and conditioning before you are able to tie a person with it.

Don’t ignore common sense in your lust for rope bondage.  If your bottom has circulation issues or joint problems, severe bondage is probably not a wise choice.  If your sub has fibro or other chronic pain conditions, make sure she is not bound in one position for more than a few minutes at a time.  Design the bondage to allow her to shift and move to avoid severe pain after the scene.

Like any other kink, rope bondage should be researched before experimented with.  There are several wonderful resources available to those with an interest in this artistic form of bondage. has a good selection of shibari books for beginners.  Another great resource is – not only does that site sell some of the best bondage rope on the market, they also offer free instructional videos.

If you live in a kink-friendly area, there are usually classes that teach the basics of rope bondage.  And if you really want in-depth training and background, Shibaricon is held annually in the Chicago area.

Kink Academy has an Extensive Rope Bondage Category with Beginner to Advanced Technique

Check out the Category!

*Submissive Guide is an affiliate partner of Kink

Patricialynn is a polyamorous submissive, in a relationship with two Dominants, Mad Baker and Viktor.  She is a mother of three, and a stay-at-home mom.  She is 31 years old, and has been a practicing submissive for two years.

She can be reached through her blog,

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