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The Challenge of Learning Anticipatory Service: Making Mistakes

At the furthest reaches of proactive service resides “anticipatory service.” There are many challenges faced by servants who aspire towards successful anticipatory service.

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For Consent to Count…ASSENT Has to Matter

I've been following an epic thread on consent for months now, watching sadly as many of the comments devolve into dangerously magical thinking and wishing somebody would speak up, and say "Whoa. There's a point at which personal responsibility comes into play here."

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Pain Processing

Sadomasochism is the giving and receiving of sensations. In a lot of cases, this also includes pain. Many of the sadomasochistic tendencies bleed into our relationships in some form or another so what better discussion than to talk about processing pain. Now, no matter what processing method you use, there are ways you can learn to process pain differently to enjoy pain play more fully, allow you to take more pain and to push your pain edge further.

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Start Here: New to BDSM Pack

So, you’ve discovered this great big world of BDSM and you just don’t know what to do now. Welcome! I suggest you start here in learning some of the vocabulary you’ll find around the internet and I want to help you get your head around all the things you’ll encounter, just a bit at a time.

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How do I show my submissiveness long distance?

My question is, how can I show him (aside from simply following the rules) that this is who I am. He knows that my nature is submissive. He has commented on it many times. but is there a way in a LDR to show the submissiveness I feel?

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Using Your Fear for Better Submissive Growth

Just because we have fears doesn't mean we have to let the fears dictate our actions or responses. This means we need to be vigilant with our emotions. By this I don't mean controlling them, it is important to feel negative emotions as well as positive ones, we don't want to repress our negative emotions but rather be aware of them and how they can affect us.

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Who Has the Greatest Responsibility in a D/s Relationship?

Every adult has some personal responsibilities that don't go away just because you may be submissive in a D/s or M/s relationship.

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Are D/s Relationships Better than Vanilla Ones?

We feel superior to our vanilla counterparts at times. But, in truth, D/s relationships are no better or worse than vanilla ones.

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The Checks and Balances in Power Exchange

Being a smart, capable woman whose self-awareness has led her to identify wholly as a slave, I have set up some checks and balances in my life that help me feel comfortable pushing myself further in my Power Exchange dynamic.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: FLYing with

Flylady can help you learn how to make cleaning a fun routine! Get dressed to your shoes and shine your sink, just to get started on the way.

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