If you’re new, you may have never heard of munches. They are basically gatherings of kinky folk that get together to share food and friendship in a casual atmosphere. But how do you find one? What are they like? Will you be stared at? Let’s answer the questions and dispel the worry and encourage you to head out into the world to your local BDSM community.
Read The Series | Find SimilarBalance is mostly about feeling fulfilled but not overwhelmed. It feels like the dynamic can live in harmony with the other aspects of daily life. How that is achieved will vary based on the wishes of those involved in the dynamic.
Read The Article | Find SimilarSo, you’ve discovered this great big world of BDSM and you just don’t know what to do now. Welcome! I suggest you start here in learning some of the vocabulary you’ll find around the internet and I want to help you get your head around all the things you’ll encounter, just a bit at a time.
Read The Series | Find SimilarThis book reads like fiction and a one true way sort of manual. If that's your thing, then pick it up.
Read The Review | Find SimilarIf you’re a new submissive this lifestyle may seem overwhelming at first. A submissive I know terms it ‘the new submissive smell’. Dom/mes sense ‘new blood’, and swarm like piranhas to interact with, play with or train the new submissive in the group. Dom/mes may contact you online or meet you at a munch. They are covered with impressive or threatening names: Sir Snod of Grass or Master Whackyourass. With no experience, how can you tell if they are someone you can trust? The answer is information!
Read The Article | Find SimilarJust because your kinks are things I'm not remotely interested in doesn't mean we can't stand on common ground. It's okay to be different and yet be friends. People do it all the time.
Read The Article | Find SimilarI find it utterly ridiculous to get on my knees and kneel in the middle of his bedroom every time we enter it. It's awkward and uncomfortable. How do I get over this mindset?
Read The Article | Find SimilarRecently I've experienced my own internal struggle that caused some tension in my relationship with KnyghtMare.
Read The Article | Find SimilarI think there are a couple of good reasons people strive for perfection, but what we tend to forget is that if we are constantly doing that we can never truly enjoy where we are at any point.
Read The Article | Find SimilarOnce you open up to allowing yourself to ask for what you want you will find so many more doors open for you.
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