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Content related to "4 Things to Look for in a BDSM Mentor"


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BDSM vs Abuse

The core of BDSM is consent. No one will disagree with this. We are all aware, hopefully, that abuse is not consensual. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.

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Submissive Positions

Submissive Positions are talked about all over like everyone is supposed to be doing them or something. Not every relationship is set up to provide that level of protocol and you should never expect a relationship to automatically have that. If you are interested in positions, ask your partner or prospective partner if they’d be interested before you go learning any. They may have preferences to how you should look and act. Following them is by far more important than learning about positions online (unless that is their direction).

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Dirty Talk

When someone says “Talk dirty to me baby…” in the bedroom the hopefully-soon-to-be dirty talker instantly freezes like a soaking wet roll of toilet paper being thrown out of an igloo in Antarctica.What should you say? What do they want you to say? What if you say too much? What if you say too little?

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What is a Submissive Mentor?

A mentor is a counselor and adviser for newcomers. Mentors usually provide an experienced view of the area being explored by the new person. They can provide training and teach the proper way that things should be done so that cautious movements become confidence.

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BDSM Mastery: Your Guide to Play, Parties and Scene Protocols

This is not a book that explains what BDSM is, this is a book that explains what BDSM is all about.

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Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of A Predator Dom/me Part 1

If you’re a new submissive this lifestyle may seem overwhelming at first. A submissive I know terms it ‘the new submissive smell’. Dom/mes sense ‘new blood’, and swarm like piranhas to interact with, play with or train the new submissive in the group. Dom/mes may contact you online or meet you at a munch. They are covered with impressive or threatening names: Sir Snod of Grass or Master Whackyourass. With no experience, how can you tell if they are someone you can trust? The answer is information!

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Why I Used to Believe I Could Never Be a Slave

There are slaves of all types and I never even gave a thought to my definition after meeting countless slaves and learning about them. My definition still stood for me. And that's why I decided I could never be a slave. I couldn't ever live up to the narrow and difficult road I had painted for a slave. But that's slowly changing.

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Where Do I Start in BDSM?

It's an overwhelming feeling when you are facing a world of new information. It can be difficult when you have so many questions and blanks in your mind but give me a moment to explain how you can begin to fill in the void.

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A Mentoring Checklist: What to Expect in a Mentor

I made the following printable chart which you can fill out and send to potential mentoring candidates to ensure clarity on both ends.

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New to BDSM and Sexual Experience

Can a virgin with no sexual experience be a sub?

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